

Ensure Compliance With Quebec's Law 25

Your one-on-one demo includes a complete overview of the: User-friendly and intuitive security awareness platform High quality content and customizable options Targeted phishing simulation by risk profile and just-in-time training Integrated gamification for increasing user participation and motivation Critical metrics and KPIs provided in the reporting dashboards   ...

Security Awareness Program - Click & Launch!

Keep Your Sensitive Information Safe Easily build an effective security awareness training program that’s simple to set up and manage. With preconfigured content that leverages over 20 years of cyber security expertise, Terranova Security helps you deliver an immersive, powerful learning experience that supports your needs and goals.   Informative...

Security Awareness Professional Services

Services That Help Achieve Your Cyber Security Goals Choose from multiple options that empower your awareness program managers throughout the life of the program. Strategize and launch training initiatives, monitor overall performance, and adjust training components to change unsafe end user behaviors and promote a security-first mindset. CISO...

Easily Launch Security Awareness Training in Minutes!

When you choose one of the Click and Launch bundles, Champion or All-Star, you will: Launch easy-to-use training content that’s optimized and ready to use immediately Change the right end user behaviors with informative courses and phishing simulations Get cost-effective, immersive training experience that leverages 20 years of industry expertise Ready for powerful security awareness...