

The Definitive Guide to Cyber Security in Cryptocurrency

Even after years of business evolution; it’s shocking that safe, quick and trackable payments are still often such a struggle for many companies around the world. Banks are often slow-moving institutions that are late to embrace technological improvements, and currencies have been increasingly fickle in recent years. This situation is what allowed cryptocurrency to go from the pipe dream of an...

The Crypto Crash: How it Affects Cyber Security in 2023 and What to Do About It

The crypto market has been on a wild ride over the past few years, with prices soaring to all-time highs in 2017 and then crashing just as dramatically in 2018. And while the market has been relatively stable in recent months, many experts predict another crash in 2023. But what does this mean for cyber security? In this article, we’ll explore the potential effects of the crypto crash on...

How to Protect Your Sensitive Information from Word Document Malware

If you’re a company that uses email scanning technology as the first line of cyber defense, you should know about a recent slate of malicious Word document-based attacks. These attacks are designed to deliver malware and ransomware to targeted systems. Security researchers at Cisco Talos recently identified an attack where Word document files attached to emails were used to deliver Cobalt Strike...

Security Awareness and Working From Home: What About Devices with Personal Voice Assistants?

Personal voice assistants have proven to be a great technological innovation that improves lives daily. With 4.2 billion of these devices in use in 2020, they are no longer just a novelty, and, with workers staying home for the foreseeable future, voice assistants could pose a sizeable security risk. Voice assistants are mostly known as standalone speakers that people talk to in order to execute...

What You Need to Know About The Office-365 Phishing Campaign Targeting C-Suite Executives

During the last week of January 2021, cyber security provider TrendMicro shared a blog post highlighting an Office-365 phishing campaign that criminals have targeted executives within manufacturing, tech, real estate, government, and finance since May 2020. As part of the scam, fraudsters sent the victims fake emails with links to a phishing site, where they harvested their credentials to sell...

The 2020 Security Awareness Virtual Summit for Partners: Here’s What You Need to Know

Robust, engaging security awareness training is an essential part of strong cyber security practices, especially given the accelerated digital transformation and shift by many organizations to remote workforces. It can also be a crucial value-added product for resellers, distributors, MSSPs, OEMs partners and technology partners, who are looking to expand their portfolio, drive business growth...

How to Protect Your Data from the Microsoft Office 365 Phishing Scam

Since December 2019, there has been a coordinated campaign of phishing attempts targeting Office 365 users. Cyber criminals have sent spoofed email, gathering the login credentials and payment details of Microsoft accounts in over 62 countries. According to one report, despite a 42% reduction in phishing attempts in 2019, scams like this Microsoft Office 365 campaign remain a significant threat...

Consumerization of IT Through BYOD: Is Your Company Ready?

The consumerization of IT is when employees use their own personal mobile devices, such as laptop computers, tablets, smart phones, etc. at work, referred to as BYOD (bring your own device). This use is becoming increasingly common and exposes companies to a variety of risks, including the protection of personal information. Canadian businesses appear to be leading the world in IT consumerization...