

Gamify your Security Awareness Training

Transform your security training into an exciting experience and build a workforce that is better prepared to recognize and respond to security threats.

5 Reasons Why You Need Gamification In Your Cyber Security Awareness Program

Cyber security training is crucial, yet traditional methods often fail to inspire engagement, leading to subpar knowledge retention and application of critical security practices. As security threats constantly evolve, you need training that not only informs but also captivates and motivates. Enter gamification. By weaving elements of game design into training programs, you can turn mundane...

Try Cybersecurity Awareness Games

Play one of our cyber games to see firsthand how gamified training keeps employees engaged while they master essential security skills.

DMARC: The Next Step in Email Hygiene and Security

In 1971, Ray Tomlison developed the first email service while working at The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This development changed how we communicated. However, even though this was an exceptional tool, it was not very user-friendly, requiring users to have specific software installed on their computers. In 1996, Sabeer Bhatia...

Getting Safe Cybersecurity Habits to Stick with Gamification and Positive Reinforcement

The first challenge security professionals who want to implement security awareness training face is that this training is usually perceived as a punishment or a chore. This perception varies based on how the training is contextualized, its delivery method, and the organizational culture in which it is introduced. As the renowned psychologist and...

Immersive Cyber Games Training Modules

Serious Games The Ultimate Awareness Training Experience Enjoy first-person modules that leverage proven pedagogical eLearning techniques with Serious Game conte. Address crucial fundamentals with content that boosts knowledge and skill development.   Cyber Challenges Quick, Focused Learning Modules Hone in on one specific unsafe behavior or cyber...

Request a Cyber Challenge Demo

Strengthen end user understanding of crucial threats like phishing, email security, malware and more with Cyber Challenges!

Level Up Your Security Awareness with Cyber Games

83%1 of employees believe gamification motivates them to complete training These techniques, often associated with video games, have been proven to keep end users engaged with an immersive, enjoyable experience. When employees interact with gamified corporate training like Cyber Games, participation rates don’t take long to skyrocket. Score big points in the end user engagement department and...

How Secure is Cloud Storage? Here are the Important Risks to Know

The rise of cloud storage has enabled much of the rapid digital transformation people have experienced since the onset of the pandemic. Forecasts project that today’s $83.41 billion global market will explode to $376.37 billion by 2029. While cloud storage opens many opportunities to streamline processes and productivity, let’s keep in mind the arduous risks it poses. Skyhigh Security found that...

What Organizations Can Learn from the Toyota Cloud Breach

Cloud storage has revolutionized how organizations collaborate internally, allowing them to store data conveniently and cheaper than ever. According to a recent survey of technology leaders, 93% of respondents said their company was “mostly cloud,” reflecting the hold that this technology has on all industries. The auto industry has recently integrated cloud storage at all levels of their...

The Security Risks of Improper Employee Offboarding and How to Prevent It

Employees come and go for a variety of reasons. If you’re lucky, they’ll be very cooperative with the offboarding process, but this isn’t always the case. And even if they are, you still have to take it with a grain of salt. Some say that calm and cooperative offboarding is often the most dangerous because people aren’t as diligent when the situation seems lax. If these moments have any...

How to Transition from Data Protection to Cyber Culture

The way we think about data protection is changing. Cyber culture is emerging as the new norm, and organizations must adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Data protection has traditionally focused on preventing breaches and protecting sensitive information. However, cyber culture goes beyond this by encompassing all aspects of online life. It includes everything from how we interact...

The Definitive Guide to Security Awareness Training

Learn about the 4 pillars of successful security awareness training: High-Quality Content Personalized vs. Pre-Built Training Options Risk-Based and Role-Based Training Options Real-World Phishing Simulations ...

Learn How Security Awareness Can Help Prevent Insider Threats in Your Organization

Actionable security awareness tips on how employees can prevent insider threats  A misplaced USB drive with confidential data. An opportunistic employee sharing confidential information with a competitor. An employee who accidentally clicks a phishing email. These are all examples of insider threats to your organization. Insider threats unfortunately are not simply the stuff of movies and crime...

Gamification for Cyber Security Awareness Training Success

Gamification gives employees relatable training that captures their interest and engages them to increase their motivation. When used as part of a cyber security awareness program – gamification takes learning to the next level. Learn about: How to best motivate and engage your users with your security awareness program How gamification supports actionable learning The five key questions to...

Why Gamify Security Awareness Training?

Leveraging a spirit of competition to drive engagement and create a security culture Gamification is a popular concept these days, and for good reason. With gamification, you can develop a game for learning more about a serious topic while also getting the learner to approach winning that game with the same fervor they would when playing for entertainment. So what happens when you integrate...

Cyber Security Breaches – Reduce The Human Risk Factor

You can have the most powerful, cutting-edge security technology in the world, but if a user clicks on the link in a malicious email, lets a stranger tailgate into your building or uses 1234 as their login password, they unwittingly open your organization up to a cyber security breach. The fact is that the human risk factor remains your greatest point of vulnerability when it comes to cyber...

The Human Fix To Human Risk

Discover the secret to making your employees your most robust defense against cyber attacks. Flip the narrative with The Human Fix to Human Risk.