

Top 11 Cybersecurity Concerns in the Finance Sector in 2024

Cybersecurity in finance is not just about defense but proactive adaptation. Banks face continuous threats despite advanced security infrastructures. The escalation in phishing success rates, as seen in Terranova Security's 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament found a 10.4% click-through statistic, highlighting the need for evolving security strategies.  While the finance sector performed better than...

See What Essential Cybersecurity Awareness Training Looks Like for Traveling Users

Travel exposes your users to unique cybersecurity risks, from unsecured Wi-Fi networks to sophisticated phishing scams.  This free cyber quiz shows what effective training can look like for employees on the go. It uses real-world scenarios to help identify knowledge gaps and empower them to make safe decisions online anywhere they go.  Here’s why this quiz is a great starting point:  Gain...
On-Demand Webinar

2023 Gone Phishing Tournament Results Webinar

Watch the panel discussion break down the latest phishing statistics from the 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament and learn how to leverage them to help your organization strengthen security awareness initiatives.

What is Baiting in Cyber Security?

Cyber criminals are constantly evolving their methods, but their biggest leverage for growth will always be exploiting the human factor. Software and physical measures against cyber attacks have become so advanced that tricking workers is the only remaining attack vector criminals can reliably use. According to Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Report, 74% of...

Protect your loved ones from phishing, social engineering and other cyber attacks

Valentine’s Day isn’t just a day for romance. It’s a time of year when cyber criminals and scammers launch attacks such as phishing, vishing, smishing, and social engineering. Australia has begun issuing warnings to singles, informing them of the “pig butchering” or “romance baiting” scam that’s prominent on Valentine’s Day. It starts with the attacker assuming the identity of an attractive and...

What is Quishing?

QR codes have come a long way since being invented in 1994 by a subsidiary of Toyota. Initially introduced to address some limitations of barcodes during the car manufacturing process, QR codes have since become staples in people’s day-to-day lives. The introduction of high-powered cameras to most modern smartphones is what allowed these codes to gain new uses. QR codes, easily generated and cost...

Phishing Simulation Free Trial

95% of data breaches are due to human error. Are you keeping your data safe?  Don’t let high-risk end user behaviors leave your sensitive information, networks, and systems at risk of a data breach. Give your employees and third-party vendors the knowledge they need to spot common phishing warning signs and keep critical data and assets out of the...

How to Avoid Phishing Simulations False Positives?

This year is seeing more phishing attacks in more places, having more detrimental impacts. One security messaging provider noted a 61% increase in phishing attacks between April and October 2022 compared to the same period the previous year. Another report observed that when phishing attacks were successful in 2022, financial losses from those incidents increased by 76%. In another trend,...

Android vs iOS: Which Operating System is Safer?

Cellphones have seen one of the most dramatic technological growths of any hardware in recent history. From simple portable phones a few decades ago, they’ve become fully-fledged computers with their own OS and applications used daily by most people worldwide. Smartphones have become such a fixture of life, and hackers and scammers have been working to exploit these devices for personal gain....

5 Examples of Spear Phishing Attacks

When it comes to cyber crime, hackers like to locate the most high-value targets, whether it’s a piece of infrastructure or an individual with access to privileged information, all while expending the least effort possible. In most examples of spear phishing attacks, a criminal will send out targeted attacks via email to multiple users. In these emails, the attacker will use high-pressure...

How to Build a Successful Phishing Simulation Campaign

Phishing threats are everywhere, and if your employees don’t know how to spot them, you’re putting your information at risk. Knowing how to build a successful phishing simulation is vital for identifying how well employees can spot the latest threats and ensuring they know how to spot them independently. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to offer adequate security awareness training, with...

Spear Phishing vs. Phishing: Everything You Need to Know

Spear phishing occurs when cyber criminals deploy targeted attacks against individuals and businesses alike via email. Using savvy tactics, hackers collect sensitive data about specific parties to construct messages that sound familiar and trustworthy. As its name implies, spear phishing falls under the larger umbrella category of phishing attacks that victimize end users and organizations daily....

How Security Awareness Training Targets and Changes User Phishing Behaviors

Learn the secrets behind effectively managing the human element of cyber security -- watching the Terranova Security presentation from the 2020 Forrester Security and Risk Virtual Forum on-demand! This presentation, from author and Terranova Security's Lise Lapointe, includes expert insight into: Why high-quality content that’s available in multiple formats, accessible to all users, and...

Phishing Kit


This is Why You Need Mobile Responsive Security Awareness Training

(7 min read) Hint: It has everything to do with effective mobile learning. The past decade’s explosion of smartphone and tablet usage has magnified the importance of well-designed mobile responsive content as a vital part of any training program. Recent studies echo clear mobile learning preference statistics, including how: 70% of learners feel more motivated when training on a mobile device. ...

How to Successfully Manage Repeat Clickers

(7 min read) Using online security awareness training to lower your click rate Recognizing a potential phishing email is the first step in avoiding falling victim to a cyber attack. The next and most important step is knowing what to do with this email. Ideally, you want your employees to report the phishing email to you and then delete the message. However, curiosity is extremely powerful....
On-Demand Webinar

How Does Your Click Rate Stack Up?

Benchmarking statistics related to phishing simulations are critical for driving behavioral change. Based on the recent results of the 2019 Gone Phishing Tournament, learn how the click rate data gathered reinforces the importance of implementing a program that combines rich and engaging content for security awareness training and phishing simulations based on real-life scenarios. You will also...