

Gamify your Security Awareness Training

Transform your security training into an exciting experience and build a workforce that is better prepared to recognize and respond to security threats.

Security Awareness Training Kit

Take the guesswork out of launching a security awareness training program. This kit will guide you through each step of implementing an effective training program.

Ensure Compliance With Quebec's Law 25

Your one-on-one demo includes a complete overview of the: User-friendly and intuitive security awareness platform High quality content and customizable options Targeted phishing simulation by risk profile and just-in-time training Integrated gamification for increasing user participation and motivation Critical metrics and KPIs provided in the reporting dashboards   ...

Find out how you easily can reduce user-related cyber risk.

Enhance Vulnerability Management with Security Awareness Training

Change Unsafe Behaviors to Build a Cyber-Aware Culture Help your IT team sleep better at night with the knowledge that your security awareness training helps employees detect and report potential cyber threats consistently. By implementing interactive, engaging awareness training programs, you create an organizational culture where security best practices are always a priority. Choose training...

Better Security Awareness Stronger Data Protection

Nearly 1 in Every 10 Employees Click on Phishing Email Links All it takes is one ill-advised click in a fraudulent email from an unaware end user to cause a security breach. This can leave your organization vulnerable to operational, reputational, and revenue harm. Minimize your cyber security risk levels and build key resilience by teaching employees and third-party vendors how to...

Security Awareness Campaign Manager

30%1 of your employees’ day-to-day can be saved with automation Without security awareness training automation, your administrators must spend countless hours manually setting up every course and campaign. As a result, quickly addressing unsafe online behaviors becomes more challenging, which can leave your sensitive information vulnerable. The new Campaign Manager feature from Fortra's...

Request a Cyber Challenge Demo

Strengthen end user understanding of crucial threats like phishing, email security, malware and more with Cyber Challenges!

Terranova Security and Microsoft

As Microsoft’s security awareness partner of choice, Terranova Security awareness content powers Attack Simulation Training, a key component of Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Learn more about the human-centric approach to security awareness training and content by booking a one-on-one demo. Your demo includes a complete overview of: Phishing, security awareness, social engineering, and...

Easily Launch Security Awareness Training in Minutes!

When you choose one of the Click and Launch bundles, Champion or All-Star, you will: Launch easy-to-use training content that’s optimized and ready to use immediately Change the right end user behaviors with informative courses and phishing simulations Get cost-effective, immersive training experience that leverages 20 years of industry expertise Ready for powerful security awareness...

Easily Identify and Reduce Risk with Security Culture Index

Pinpoint Risk and Drive Behavior Change Security Culture Index enables cyber security leaders to accurately assess risk and security awareness levels, organizations can quickly identify high-risk users or profiles, pinpoint behavior change objectives, and personalize training initiatives to suit those unique data points. By combining tailored risk scoring with automated, risk-based campaigns,...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. Join the top 2%. ...

The Cyber Security Hub

Get and share the knowledge everyone needs to become a cyber hero! Establishing a strong security-aware organizational culture and changing user behavior is built on knowledge. To avoid data breaches, employees must be able to identify and report potential cyber threats. The Cyber Security Hub makes is easier than ever to obtain and distribute content on a variety of important cyber security...

Empowering Retailers with Cyber Security Knowledge: Why It Matters

This eBook is built to help guide retail leaders through common objections to cyber security training. It demonstrates why security awareness training programs are critical to reducing human risk, changing unsafe online behaviors, and protecting sensitive data. Download the eBook to learn: The key cyber security challenges in the retail sector and why awareness training is non-negotiable. How...

Building a Resilient Cyber Security Culture in the Finance Sector

Banks and wealth management firms do more than just handle money—they protect the lifeblood of the global economy amid a complex web of rules and interconnected systems.  This eBook breaks down the cyber security risks in the financial sector, tackles the most common objections related to cyber security investments in this field, and shares straightforward tips for building healthy cyber security...

2023 Phishing Benchmark Global Report

Working with Microsoft to create a real-world simulation experience, this report provides a true phishing behavior benchmarking opportunity for organizations worldwide.

Cyber Security Awareness: An Essential for Education

This eBook helps education leaders recognize cyber security risks and demonstrates how cyber security training programs can help mitigate the potential of a cyber attack. It encourages educational institutions to protect their employees, students, and institutional data based on proven cyber security best practices. Download the eBook to learn: How education's digital shift makes it a prime...