

Traveling Securely: Identifying and Avoiding High-Risk Behaviors

The rise of remote work has brought flexibility and freedom to employees, allowing them to work from various locations. Studies show that 32.6 million Americans will work remotely by 2025—about 22% of the workforce.  However, this new way of working introduces significant security risks that can jeopardize personal and organizational data. The increasing trend of workcations...

Tailoring Security Training: A Guide to Formats, Sizes, and Schedules

As cybersecurity awareness training becomes a necessary addition for all companies worldwide, many organizations are wondering how best to integrate it into their workflows.  There is no one-size-fits-all schedule for cybersecurity training programs. The optimal way to deliver this kind of knowledge depends on your goals, the behaviors you are looking to modify, the size of...

Why Strategic Goals are Important in Security Awareness Programs

Image A cyber security awareness program involves all parts of a company and needs support from every level of management. Clear strategic goals are essential to guide the program and keep it focused on its objectives. In a webinar hosted by Terranova Security’s CISO Theo Zafirakos, 42% of the attendees revealed that they don’t have...

DMARC: The Next Step in Email Hygiene and Security

Image In 1971, Ray Tomlison developed the first email service while working at The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This development changed how we communicated. However, even though this was an exceptional tool, it was not very user-friendly, requiring users to have specific software installed on their computers. ...

Boosting Workplace Efficiency Through Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Image A single cyberattack can halt your organization’s entire operation overnight. This reality hit hard when MGM Resorts found an unauthorized party accessed sensitive customer information. Using social engineering tactics, hackers were able to bypass traditional security measures to execute this attack, emphasizing the need for...

How to Set the Right Security Awareness Metrics to Protect Your Organization

Image With modern cyber threats rapidly evolving, over two-thirds of IT decision-makers are reportedly increasing budgets, according to a recent survey of 200 senior cybersecurity professionals conducted by Infosecurity Europe. However, these measures can easily fall short without a united front from management and employees.  ...

7 Examples of Social Media Scams You Should Avoid at All Costs

Image Social media platforms have become non-negotiables in our daily lives. We always find ourselves online at our favorite social media sites to connect with loved ones, share our thoughts, and discover interesting content. While social media has become central to our routines, its vast reach and anonymity provide certain risks...

How to Create a Strong Password in 7 Easy Steps

Image On May 7th of every year, organizations worldwide remind their end users of the importance of a strong password. But with remote workforces becoming the new normal and a sharp increase in the digital information exchanged daily, strong password best practices must be top-of-mind year-round. Despite the increased public...

Pig Butchering Scam – What It Is and How to Protect Yourself

Image Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and the most recent evolution of phishing scams is proving particularly effective. Boasting a gruesome name, pig butchering is a cyber threat that reels in victims and steals thousands, sometimes millions of dollars.  Pig butchering has quickly become one of the most lucrative scams thanks...

Are Password Managers Safe to Use?

Image Passwords have become a cornerstone of the Internet. These strings of letters and numbers allow us to validate access to various communities, online tools, healthcare, banking, and more. As more and more information is stored behind passwords, efforts to steal and crack them have vastly increased.  These new cyber threats led...

5 Examples of Strong Passwords That Will Secure Any Account

Image Passwords, our digital keys, wield a quiet power today. They protect your personal and business information, making them prime targets for hackers. With this power comes responsibility and the ongoing struggle to keep our virtual lives secure. AI has also made accessing passwords easier for cyber criminals. Modern cyber...

Getting Safe Cybersecurity Habits to Stick with Gamification and Positive Reinforcement

Image The first challenge security professionals who want to implement security awareness training face is that this training is usually perceived as a punishment or a chore. This perception varies based on how the training is contextualized, its delivery method, and the organizational culture in which it is introduced. As the...

International Women's Day: How to Shrink the Gender Gap in Cyber Security

Image The participation of women in the cybersecurity field is on a notable rise. According to projections by CyberCrime Magazine, they are set to represent 30% of the global cybersecurity workforce by 2025, with this percentage increasing to 35% by 2031. There is also an increasing number of women filling leadership positions within...

What is Baiting in Cyber Security?

Image Cyber criminals are constantly evolving their methods, but their biggest leverage for growth will always be exploiting the human factor. Software and physical measures against cyber attacks have become so advanced that tricking workers is the only remaining attack vector criminals can reliably use. According to Verizon’s 2023...

7 Smishing Examples and How to Protect Yourself

Image With roughly 5 billion people—a whopping 65% of the global population—sending and receiving SMS messages, it’s no wonder that hackers have taken to SMS as a new way to lead cyber attacks. In 2022, 68.4 million Americans fell victim to a phone scam. And only 65% of Americans say they would delete a text if it came from an...

What is Swatting? What to Look for and How to Defend Yourself

For those of a certain age, you may remember the old gag where you would call up a business and ask if they had “Prince Albert in a can.” This happened way back in the days when you could purchase loose tobacco in a tin can. Prince Albert was one such product. Now, if the person on the phone answered yes, you could say, “Well, let him out!” Yes, this is what pranks looked like...

The 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament Results: Everything You Need to Know

The results of Fortra’s Gone Phishing Tournament are here, and they highlight the potential power and danger of phishing across the world. This global test uncovered that 1 in 10 individuals are susceptible to these attacks, which would have led to 90,000 compromised passwords if the campaign had been an actual cyber attack. This year’s tournament featured an updated email...

Protect your loved ones from phishing, social engineering and other cyber attacks

Valentine’s Day isn’t just a day for romance. It’s a time of year when cyber criminals and scammers launch attacks such as phishing, vishing, smishing, and social engineering. Australia has begun issuing warnings to singles, informing them of the “pig butchering” or “romance baiting” scam that’s prominent on Valentine’s Day. It starts with the attacker assuming the identity of...

Swipe Right on Cyber Security: Let’s Talk About Zodiac Signs

With Valentine’s Day upon us, our thoughts turn to love, compatibility, and cyber security. As Cupid strings his bow this Valentine’s Day, let’s explore how the stars might be influencing your approach to online security. Are you a Leo who roars against cyber threats, or a Pisces swimming through the sea of digital privacy? Remember, while the universe might hold many...

What is Quishing?

QR codes have come a long way since being invented in 1994 by a subsidiary of Toyota. Initially introduced to address some limitations of barcodes during the car manufacturing process, QR codes have since become staples in people’s day-to-day lives. The introduction of high-powered cameras to most modern smartphones is what allowed these codes to gain new uses. QR codes,...