Security Awareness Training Catalog

Enjoy the industry’s highest-quality security awareness training experience with courses that distill everything your organizations needs to change end user behaviors and ensure your sensitive information is safeguarded from cyber criminals.

Security Awareness Training

Enhance your training program with fun, engaging security awareness content that supports cyber security leaders and their behavior change initiatives. Enjoy multilingual, mobile responsive, and accessible content that makes security awareness training available to all users and promotes an inclusive atmosphere.


Test end user knowledge retention from your security awareness courses with quizzes that utilize different question formats. Pull from a bank of pre-configured quiz questions or create your own to ensure your users are receiving the most pertinent testing material and response feedback possible.

Security Awareness Training Screenshots

Security Awareness Library



End User

Designed to strengthen the human element of your organization’s information security, end user courses help participants understand best practices on a wide variety of cyber security topics. Each module includes interactive learning activities that reinforce those key messages.

  • Access Control
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
  • Business Email Compromise
  • Cloud Services
  • Confidentiality on the Web
  • Data Leakage
  • Email
  • Identity Theft
  • Incident Reporting
  • Information Classification
  • Information Lifecycle
  • Intellectual Property
  • Introduction to Information Security
  • Malware
  • Mobile Devices
  • Open Wi-Fi Risks
  • Password
  • Phishing
  • Phishing Websites
  • Physical Security
  • Privacy
  • Protecting Payment Card Data
  • Protecting Your Home Computer
  • Ransomware
  • Responsible Use of the Internet
  • Smartphones
  • Social Engineering
  • Social Networks
  • The Clean Desk Principle
  • Traveling Securely
  • Unintentional Insider Threat
  • Working Remotely

3D Cartoon Characters

Secure Password Training Video

Real Action Characters

Traveling Securely Training Video

Code Topic Description
101 Introduction to Information Security
  • Learn about information security and its overall importance
  •  Understand users’ responsibilities in protecting the organization’s information
102 Information Classification
  • Understand how and why organizations classify their information
  • Practice classifying information according to levels of sensitivity
103 Information Lifecycle
  • Understand the value of an organization’s information
  • Learn how to manage information correctly throughout its lifecycle
104 Intellectual Property
  • Learn what is considered intellectual property
  • Understand behaviors and situations that may violate intellectual property rights
105 Passwords
  • Understand the importance of creating effective passwords
  • Learn how to create a strong yet easy to remember password
106 Physical Security
  • Understand why organizations must secure all their facilities and equipment
  • Learn how common work areas can be protected from threats
108 Access Control
  • Learn why organizations must control access to their networks and systems
  • Understand the processes involved in granting and monitoring access
201 Email
  • Recognize common email threats and email misuse
  • Learn what precautions to take with incoming and outgoing emails
203 Confidentiality on the Web
  • Understand the risks of inadvertently disclosing sensitive information on the web
  • Understand and recognize potential online threats
205 Social Engineering
  • Learn about social engineering and how it can fuel a variety of cyber threats
  • Recognize common social engineering tactics used by cyber criminals
206 The Clean Desk Principle
  • Recognize the importance of keeping unattended work areas clear of sensitive information
  • Discover how to ensure the security of various documents and portable devices
207 Privacy
  • Learn about privacy and related rights and obligations
  • Identify what is considered personal information
208 Protecting Payment Card Data
  • Understand an organization’s obligation to protect payment card data
  • Learn about the threats to payment card data
210 Phishing
  • Learn about common phishing tactics and how they threaten information security
  • Recognize and identify the features of a phishing message and website
211 The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Trend
  • Understand the security issues related to the use of personal devices for business purposes 
  • Learn the strategies adopted by organizations to reduce BYOD-related risks
301 Malware
  • Learn about the different types of malware
  • Understand the human behaviors and technical factors involved in preventing malware infection
304 Responsible Use of the Internet at Work
  • Learn how organizations can be impacted by inappropriate internet usage
  • Understand what constitutes potentially harmful internet practices on corporate devices or accounts
306 Identity Theft
  • Understand how identity theft affects victims and organizations
  • Learn about common methods used to carry out identity theft
307 Social Networks
  • Understand information confidentiality and information ownership issues related to social network usage
  • Learn about the potential threats posed by fraudsters and cybercriminals
308 Working Remotely (Mobile Users)
  • Learn about mobile users and working remotely
  • Understand the risks related to user mobility
321 Mobile Devices
  • Understand the vulnerabilities related to mobile devices 
  • Learn about preserving the security and integrity of mobile devices
322 Traveling Securely
  • Preserve the security of information while traveling and working remotely
  • Learn about the potential threats to information and technology used by traveling employees

Protecting Your Home Compute

  • Learn the common methods used by cyber criminals to gain access to your information
  • Recognize home environment vulnerabilities and risky internet activities
324 Ransomware
  • Learn about ransomware and how it can negatively impact an organization
  • Recognize how ransomware attacks are launched

Data Leakage

  • Understand what constitutes a data leak and how it affects an organization
  • Learn common internal and external data leaks causes
326 Business Email Compromise
  • Understand what constitutes a business email compromise attack and how it is mounted
  • Learn the common phishing-based scams used in such attacks
327 Unintentional Insider Threat
  • Understand how users can unintentionally put the information security at risk  
  • Learn common user actions and behaviors that can lead to a security incident
328 Incident Reporting
  • Understand the importance of detecting and handling security incidents promptly
  • Learn how to identify and detect various types of security incidents
329 Phishing Websites
  • Understand common tactics used by hackers to construct phishing websites
  • Learn how to effectively safeguard your data from malicious sites
330 Open Wi-Fi Risks
  • Understand the potential risks of connecting to an unsecured Wi-Fi network  
  • Learn best practices when it comes to sharing information of a network outside your home or office

Cloud Services

  • Recognize the potential vulnerabilities related to storing, sharing, and accessing cloud-based documents or systems
  • Learn how to use cloud services securely with cyber-safe collaboration techniques
506 Smartphones
  • Learn about the information security risks related to smartphone usage
  • Discover best practices for protecting information stored on smartphones


Cyber Game modules are interactive, gamified eLearning modules that reinforce fundamental cyber security best practices. Whether it’s a Serious Game that takes place in a 3D environment or a bite-sized Cyber Challenge, answer skill-testing questions, earn points for correct responses, and practice crucial cyber security decision-making in real-world scenarios.

Serious Game

Serious Game modules put end users in the middle of immersive, exciting scenarios that test their cyber security knowledge in a gaming-style environment. Each module focuses on a specific topic as players collect points and race against the clock to complete interactive learning activities.

  • BEC
  • Cloud Based Services
  • Data Transfer
  • Ransomware
  • Securing the Home Office
  • Social Engineering
  • Social Networks
  • Strong Password

Cyber Challenge

Cyber challenges are engaging, gamified learning activities that test and reinforce fundamental security awareness knowledge on topics like phishing, email security, and more.

  • Cloud Services
  • Email
  • Incident Identification for Reporting
  • Information Classification
  • Information Lifecycle
  • Malware
  • Mobile Devices
  • Phishing
  • Privacy
  • Protecting Your Home Office
  • Ransomware
  • Social Engineering
  • Traveling Securely
Cyber Game Library



Serious Game

Code Topic Description
1 Strong Password
  • Play as a special agent and race against the clock to secure sensitive information by relying on strong password expertise
2 Securing the Home Office
  • Play as a special agent and race against the clock to secure a home office and keep confidential data out of the hands of hackers
3 Ransomware
  • Play as a cybersecurity investigator trainee and race against the clock to identify
  • Play as a cybersecurity investigator and examine different emails to identify all valid vendor payments and stop any potentially fraudulent payments due to Business Email Compromise
5 Cloud Based Services
  • Play as a legendary cybersecurity analyst with the responsibility of identifying the source of the data leaks and putting a stop to it, before any more damage can be done
6 Data Transfer
  • Play as an employee in the Business Operations department and finish your weekly to-do list by carefully managing your files and emails for a stress-free weekend, without risking being interrupted due to a major data breach
7 Social Engineering
  • Take on two different roles, as you join the Red Team to design a mock cyberattack scenario and switch over to the Blue Team to select the appropriate defenses against cyber threats
8 Social Networks
  • Play as a new junior Social Media Associate and complete your training by staying abreast of current affairs in your field and meeting with key managers



Cyber Challenge

Code Topic Description
102 Information Classification
  • Classify information based on its sensitivity levels so as to apply appropriate security measures
103 information Lifecycle 
  • Plan for proper information disposal based on format and level of sensitivity
201 Email
  • Describe and differentiate the email-based strategies fraudsters use to infiltrate organizational networks or access confidential information
205 Social Engineering
  • Understand and protect yourself against cyberattacks that originate from deceptive social interactions
207 Privacy
  • Identify personal information managed by your organization and handle it in compliance with security and privacy requirements
210 Phishing
  • Recognize and identify the features of a phishing message and website
301 Malware
  • Examine and identify ways in which malicious programs can infiltrate your electronic devices
321 Mobile Devices
  • Adopt best practices when using mobile devices in order to protect your company and personal information
322 Traveling Securely
  • Recognize and evaluate information security risks when traveling
323 Protecting Your Home Office
  • Identify and eliminate information security vulnerabilities in your home office for safer remote work
324 Ransomware
  • Understand the risks associated with ransomware attacks, and apply best practices to keep your organization’s information safe
328 Incident Identification for Reporting
  • Identify security incidents and report them to the appropriate instances in a timely manner to help protect your organization
331 Cloud Services
  • Assess the risk level associated with various cloud computing practices to keep your and your organization’s information safe




Built to increase employee knowledge retention and promote lasting behavioral change, microlearning modules feature concise training content. Each module targets specific risks and helps organizations meet productivity objectives.

  • Access Control
  • Applying the Clean Desk Principle
  • Authentication method
  • Business Email Compromised (BEC)
  • C-Level Email Impersonation
  • Cyber Quiz
  • Friend or Foe?
  • Handling Unidentified Individuals
  • Mass Market Phishing
  • OAuth consent grant
  • Phishing by Phone
  • Policy Tips Around Sensitive Information
  • Ransomware
  • Report Message
  • Risky USB
  • Securing the Home Office Environment
  • Sharing an Organization Computer
  • Smishing
  • Spear Phishing
  • Teams phishing
  • Understanding App Consent Requests
  • Unintentional Insider Threat
  • Unsecured Sharing of Sensitive Documents
  • Vishing
  • Web Phishing
  • Whaling
  • Email Account Compromise
  • Application Account Compromise
  • Browser Compromise
  • Computer Compromise
  • Malicious Digital QR Codes
  • Malicious Printed QR Codes
Code Topic Description
3001 Vishing
  • Learn the dangers of plugging unknown USB devices on computers, which could lead to a malware infection or the installation of a dangerous program
3002 Web Phishing
  • Understand how to verify a person’s credentials before giving out personal information, as well as what constitutes a web phishing attack
3003 Mass Marketing Phishing
  • Understand how to identify a real scam and protect their personal information, such as with a mass-market gift card scam
3004 Spear Phishing
  • Learn how cybercriminals can operate and the motives behind potential attacks by taking on the pretend role of a hacker
3005 Smishing 
  • Recognize the common elements of a phishing attack received via text message and how to keep information safe
3006 Whaling
  • Understand how senior executives can be easily compromised through targeted phishing scams called whaling
3007 C-Level Email Impersonation
  • Discover how to identify a C-level email impersonation, a targeted attack that plays on the authority of the sender
3008 Business Email Compromise (BEC)
  • Learn how to identify tricks cybercriminals use to extort money, as well as identify a compromised business email account
3009 Handling Unidentified Individuals
  • Reinforce the best practices described in the Incident Reporting module by asking learners to make the correct decisions when faced with an unidentified person walking around the office
3010 Ransomware 
  • Learn how to react correctly to an unexpected email attachment and a computer infected with malware
3011 Unintentional Insider Threat 
  • Recognize how to act correctly when disposing of confidential documents by applying information security best practices
3012 Friend or Foe?
  • Understand when and how to apply information security best practices when faced with an individual trying to access a restricted area
3013 Access Control
  • Discover the consequences of lending computers to colleagues, as well as best practices related to this scenario
3014 Applying the Clean Desk Principle
  • Understand what actions to take to reduce the risk of leaking sensitive information about a confidential project by combining best practices from different cyber security topics
3015 Risky USB
  • Learn the dangers of plugging unknown USB devices on computers, which could lead to a malware infection or the installation of a dangerous program
3016 Phishing by Phone
  • Learn how to keep sensitive information safe from cyber criminals who deploy phishing attempts via phone
3017 Cyber Quiz
  • Compete against Isa from Terranova Security in a gameshow that tests fundamental cyber security knowledge
3021 Report Message
  • Understand the importance of reporting a suspicious message and the appropriate steps to take in such a scenario
3022 Understanding App Consent Requests 
  • Learn the fundamentals of app consent grants and the best practices you should follow to ensure information is share securely and only with relevant individuals
3023 Unsecured Sharing of Sensitive Documents
  • Discover the inherent vulnerabilities related to sharing sensitive documents and how to edit, store, access, and share confidential information securely
3024 Sharing an Organization Computer
  • Discover the issues related to sharing a company computer with an unauthorized individual and how you can ensure usage policies are upheld at all times
3025 Securing the Home Office Environment
  • Find out how to properly secure a home office environment by learning about precautions related to your computer and other devices, Wi-Fi network, and more
3026 Policy Tips Around Sensitive Information
  • Learn how an organization can use policy tips to set boundaries for sensitive information, as well as steps you can take when you’re confronted with a message that restricts information sharing
3027 Teams Phishing
  • Learn how phishing attacks may be delivered via Microsoft Teams, as well as steps you can take to identify suspicious chat messages
3028 OAuth Consent Grant
  • Find out how to protect yourself and your organization from OAuth, or third-party permission phishing attempts by installing applications from reputable sources and creating a unique username and password for each service
3029 Authentication Method
  • Learn about the risks that come with relying on a third party to sign in to an online service, and identify the safest authentication method in a given context
3030 Email Account Compromise
  • Find out how to detect signs of email account compromise, and leverage best practices to help prevent intrusions, such as enabling two-factor authentication
3031 Application Account Compromise
  • Identify the signs that one of your application accounts has been compromised, including notifications of failed login attempts and changes made to your personal information without your knowledge
3032 Browser Compromise
  • Learn to detect the signs that your browser has been compromised and is being used for malicious purposes, such as noticing toolbars or browser extensions that you did not install
3033 Computer Compromise
  • Discover common signs that your computer has been infected by a virus, such as encountering unexpected pop-up advertisements and your device operating at a slower pace than usual
3034 Malicious Digital QR Codes
  • Identify the signs that a digital QR code is unsafe to scan and apply best practices to mitigate risks associated with scanning a malicious QR code online
3035 Malicious Printed QR Codes
  • Identify the signs that a printed QR code is unsafe to scan and apply best practices to mitigate risks associated with scanning a malicious QR code displayed in public spaces



Ideally suited for just-in-time training for phishing simulation clickers or as short standalone eLearning opportunities, nanolearning modules ensure end users understand specific cyber security fundamentals. Each module walks users through risks, consequences, and best practices related to a given topic.

  • Anatomy of a Spear Phishing Attack
  • Being Security Aware
  • Cloud-Based Sharing
  • Credential Theft
  • Cyber Attack Detection
  • Identity Theft - Example of an Attack
  • Double Barrel Phishing Attack
  • Insider Threat
  • Phishing - Six Clues That Should Raise Your Suspicions
  • Phishing Website
  • Preventing Security Breaches
  • Protecting Sensitive Information -   Information Handling
  • Ransomware
  • Smishing
  • Social Engineering
  • Social Engineering via Email
  • Social Networks
  • Spear Phishing - The CEO Fraud
  • Spoofing  
  • Stegosploit
  • Vishing
  • Web Conferences Risks
  • Wi-Fi Security
  • What is two-factor authentication
Code Topic Description
2001 Ransomware 
  • Learn how to identify malicious programs and what you should do if you think you received a ransomware email
2002 Vishing 
  • Recognize the best practices related to detecting and safeguarding against phone scam tactics
2003 Phishing - Six Clues
  • Ensure a strong understanding of the six core clues that you need to be aware of to identify a phishing threat
2006 Protecting Sensitive Information
  • Learn how to identify, handle, and protect sensitive information securely
2007 Cyber Attack Detection
  • Compete against Isa from Terranova Security in a gameshow that tests fundamental cyber security knowledge
2008 Preventing Security Breaches
  • Understand how to reduce the risk of information security breaches
2010 WI-FI Security
  • Learn about the risks of Wi-Fi security and about the precautions you can take
2011 Identity Theft
  • Recognize the signs of common identity theft scams and how to avoid them
2013 Social Engineering
  • Learn how to defend yourself against social engineering attacks
2015 Being Security Aware
  • Understand what you can do every day to secure your home, belongings, computers, and other sensitive information
2016 Spear Phishing CEO Fraud
  • Learn how CEO fraud works, and how to detect and avoid these types of threats
2025 Phishing Website
  • Learn about how to identify a phishing website and its key features
2026 Social Networks
  • Learn about the risks posed by criminals on social networks and how to protect personal information
2035 Smishing
  • Understand how to identify and protect yourself against text-based threats
2050 Anatomy of a Spear Phishing Attack
  • Learn the steps and mechanisms used to create personalized or targeted phishing attacks
2051 Insider Threats
  • Discover the different types of insider threats and the precautions you can take
2052 Social Engineering via Email
  • Learn the steps and mechanisms used to leverage social engineering schemes via email
2053 Spoofing
  • Understand how hackers can spoof popular websites and common warning signs to watch for
2054 Double Barrel Phishing Attack
  • Learn the common tactics and red flags related to double barrel phishing attacks
2055 Stegosploit
  • Learn how digital images can be leveraged as key components of stegosploit attacks
2056 Web Conferences Risks
  • Understand the risks and common hacker tactics associated with web conferences
2057 Cloud-Based Sharing
  • Recognize the vulnerabilities related to cloud-based document and information sharing
2058 What is two-factor authentication
  • Learn about usage, format and reporting and the best practice associated with 2FA



Ideally suited for just-in-time training for phishing simulation clickers or as short standalone video-based eLearning, nanovideo modules showcases the risks, consequences, and best practices related to a given topic.

  • Credential Theft
  • Cyber Fraud
  • Employee Data Breach
  • Financial Data Exposure
  • Identity Theft
  • Importance of Security Culture in the Organization
  • Malicious Software
  • Ransomware
  • Website URL
Code  Topic Description
4 Ransomware
  • Learn the key warning signs of a ransomware threat, the consequences of downloading a ransomware file, and best practices to secure data against these attacks
5 Website URL
  • Understand how to safely view and identify malicious website URLs, and techniques cyber criminals can use to trick users into clicking
6 Credential Theft
  • Understand the key warning signs and how to spot a credential theft threat, as well as how to safeguard sensitive data from credential theft attacks
7 Identity Theft
  • Learn what types of data are targeted during identity theft attacks, how successful identity theft affects victims, and best practices that help users keep data safe
8 Financial Data Exposure
  • Learn how financial data can be exposed in cyber attacks and how to avoid potential data leakage by sharing, storing, and accessing related information using cyber security best practices
9 Cyber Fraud
  • Learn about the common tactics used by cyber criminals to commit cyber fraud, warning signs recipients should be aware of, and best practices to be aware of
10 Employee Data Breach
  • Learn how employees can be targeted in data breaches, the hallmarks of messages hackers may deploy to trick recipients into divulging information, and best practices that help keep data safe
11 Malicious Software
  • Understand how malicious software can compromise a computer or mobile device, the consequences of a resulting infection, and how to safeguard data from malware
12 Importance of Security Culture in the Organization
  • Understand how having a strong security culture benefits an organization, and how one can help foster their organization’s security culture


Constructed to appeal to various context-specific security awareness best practices, each role-based explores the cyber security roles and responsibilities related to different functions with an organization. Terranova Security offers role-based courses for professionals in finance, human resources, executives, and much more.

Information Security Awareness for:

  • Executives
    • Introduction to Information Security
    • Passwords
    • Phishing
    • Confidentiality on the Web
    • Mobile Devices
    • Data Leakage
    • Business Email Compromise
  • Finance
    • Introduction to Information Security
    • Passwords
    • Phishing
    • Confidentiality on the Web
    • Protecting Payment Card Data
    • Data Leakage
  • Help Desk
    • Introduction to Information Security
    • Passwords
    • Access Control
    • Social Engineering
    • Phishing
    • Incident Reporting
  • Human Resources
    • Introduction to Information Security
    • Passwords
    • Phishing
    • Confidentiality on the Web
    • Privacy
    • Data Leakage
  • IT Administrators
    • Network Security Overview
    • Common Network Attacks
    • Securing Networks
    • Securing Data Repositories
  • IT Developers
    • Application Security Overview
    • Common Application Attacks
    • Secure Development
    • Cryptography Overview
    • Access Control
  • IT Privileged Users
    • Introduction to Information Security
    • Passwords
    • Access Control
    • Phishing
    • Malware
    • Ransomware
    • Unintentional Insider Threat
    • Incident Reporting
    • Working Remotely
  • Managers
    • Security Challenges
    • Security Governance
    • Leading by Example
    • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
Code Topic Description 
FIN Finance
  • Learn what types of attacks frequently target professionals in the finance sector, how successful attacks can impact the organization, and how to safeguard against cyber criminals
GEST Managers
  • Learn how managers can be targets of complex, multifaceted cyber threats, best practices for keeping data secure, and the role they play in fostering a cyber-aware culture
HR Human Resources
  • Understand the rules and regulations behind processing user data for HR purposes, what kinds of tactics hackers can use to try and steal data, and how to keep information safe
TIA IT Administrators
  • Learn the cyber threats commonly associated with IT administrators, and best practices related to keeping sensitive information, networks, and systems safe
TID IT Developers
  • Understand the building blocks behind secure IT development, how cyber criminals can exploit different vulnerabilities, and how developers and detect and avoid attacks
EXEC Executives
  • Provide senior executives and managers the information required to understand, assess, and defend against the most common cyber threats targeting them
PRIT IT Privileged Users
  • Provide IT privileged users with best practices and tools to identify, evaluate and protect themselves against cyber threats
HD Help Desk
  • Provide IT Help Desk employees with best practices and tools to identify, evaluate and protect themselves against cyber threats





Code Topic Description
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
  • Learn about security threats and best practices related to OWASP and its processes


Ensuring that all organizations can easily understand and comply with various data privacy regulations, this course provides high-quality training content and activities exploring key data protection trends.

  • CCPA Essentials
  • GDPR Essentials
  • GDPR for Procurement Employees
  • Personal information protection in the private sector in Quebec
    • Key aspects of the reform
    • Companies’ obligations
    • Default protection of personal information
    • Individuals’ rights, and how to protect their information
    Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • PCI DSS Awareness
    • PCI DSS Awareness
    • PCI DSS for Retailers
    • PCI DSS for Call Centers
  • POPI Act
  • Privacy Essentials
    • The Protection of Personal Data
    • Collecting Personal Data
    • Privacy Principles
    • Privacy Breaches
  • Protected Health Information (PHI)
  • Protected Health Information for Europe
  • Security by Design (SBD)
Code Topic Description
801 Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Learn everything you need to know about PII
803 Protected Health Information (PHI)
  • Learn everything you need to know about PHI and how organizations can ensure compliance
814 GDPR for Procurement Employees
  • Learn GDPR rules and regulations specific to procurement employees and their overall role in compliance
818 GDPR Essentials
  • Learn GDPR essentials and how organizations can ensure compliance
819 CCPA Essentials
  • Learn CCPA essentials and steps organizations must take to ensure compliance
820 to 823 Privacy Essentials
  • Learn about general privacy issues and the positive impacts of enhanced awareness
830 to 833 Personal information protection in the private sector in Quebec
  • Cover the legislative requirements for processing personal data in the private sector, within Quebec, following the recent adoption of Law 25
840 Protected Health Information for Europe
  • Know the essential principles of the application of GDPR to health data, as well as related best practices for health professionals
  • Learn HIPAA/HITECH essentials and how to ensure compliance
PCI PCI DSS Awareness
  • Learn about PCI DSS and the positive impacts of enhanced awareness
  • Learn about the POPI Act to comply with its eight conditions and protect your South African clients’ privacy
SBD Security by Design (SBD)
  • This course aims to familiarize users with best security practices at each stage of the development cycle of a project or IT service

Communication & Reinforcement Tools

Increase employee engagement with a diverse suite of communication tools, with new assets added regularly


Send training updates and security best practice highlights directly to your users.


Promote your training program with visuals you can tailor to match your brand.

Wallpapers and Web Banners

Increase program engagement with vivid, thought-provoking digital messaging.


Add a fun visual aspect to your training program with short comics depicting characters in relatable scenarios.


Share cyber security tips and best practices in a compact, engaging format that’s perfect for social or intranets.


Get everything you need to know about key cyber security topics in exhaustive, informative webpages.

What is Videos

Send cyber security tips and best practices to users in bite-sized streaming video format. View sample videos >

All communication tools are currently available in EN, FR-CA, FR-FR, and ES LATAM. For additional language support, please contact the Terranova Security Customer Success team.


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