

What is Quishing?

QR codes have come a long way since being invented in 1994 by a subsidiary of Toyota. Initially introduced to address some limitations of barcodes during the car manufacturing process, QR codes have since become staples in people’s day-to-day lives. The introduction of high-powered cameras to most modern smartphones is what allowed these codes to gain new uses. QR codes,...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. ...

The Human Fix To Human Risk

Discover the secret to making your employees your most robust defense against cyber attacks. Flip the narrative with The Human Fix to Human Risk.