

Ensure Compliance With Quebec's Law 25

Your one-on-one demo includes a complete overview of the: User-friendly and intuitive security awareness platform High quality content and customizable options Targeted phishing simulation by risk profile and just-in-time training Integrated gamification for increasing user participation and motivation Critical metrics and KPIs provided in the reporting dashboards   ...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. Join the top 2%. ...

The Human Fix To Human Risk

Discover the secret to making your employees your most robust defense against cyber attacks. Flip the narrative with The Human Fix to Human Risk.