

Try Cybersecurity Awareness Games

Play one of our cyber games to see firsthand how gamified training keeps employees engaged while they master essential security skills.

Why Strategic Goals are Important in Security Awareness Programs

A cyber security awareness program involves all parts of a company and needs support from every level of management. Clear strategic goals are essential to guide the program and keep it focused on its objectives. In a webinar hosted by Terranova Security’s CISO Theo Zafirakos, 42% of the attendees revealed that they don’t have any strategic goals set....
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Preview Training Videos

Unlock a preview of our cyber security training video lessons. Experience the industry’s highest-quality security awareness training content.

Security Awareness Training Kit

Take the guesswork out of launching a security awareness training program. This kit will guide you through each step of implementing an effective training program.

Pig Butchering Scam – What It Is and How to Protect Yourself

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and the most recent evolution of phishing scams is proving particularly effective. Boasting a gruesome name, pig butchering is a cyber threat that reels in victims and steals thousands, sometimes millions of dollars.  Pig butchering has quickly become one of the most lucrative scams thanks to a mix of post...

Security Awareness Program - Click & Launch!

Keep Your Sensitive Information Safe Easily build an effective security awareness training program that’s simple to set up and manage. With preconfigured content that leverages over 20 years of cyber security expertise, Terranova Security helps you deliver an immersive, powerful learning experience that supports your needs and goals.   Informative...

Get Straight A’s in Cyber Security Awareness

Education institutions are targeted by thousands of cyber attacks every week All it takes is one ill-advised click on a suspicious link or attachment to leave your most important information vulnerable. If a data breach occurs, your organization could be on the receiving end of serious financial and reputational harm. Give your employees and students the knowledge they need to detect and report...

Security Awareness Campaign Manager

30%1 of your employees’ day-to-day can be saved with automation Without security awareness training automation, your administrators must spend countless hours manually setting up every course and campaign. As a result, quickly addressing unsafe online behaviors becomes more challenging, which can leave your sensitive information vulnerable. The new Campaign Manager feature from Fortra's...

Request a Cyber Challenge Demo

Strengthen end user understanding of crucial threats like phishing, email security, malware and more with Cyber Challenges!

Level Up Your Security Awareness with Cyber Games

83%1 of employees believe gamification motivates them to complete training These techniques, often associated with video games, have been proven to keep end users engaged with an immersive, enjoyable experience. When employees interact with gamified corporate training like Cyber Games, participation rates don’t take long to skyrocket. Score big points in the end user engagement department and...

Security Awareness Training for Education

Over 22001 cyber attacks victimize education institutions weekly The reason is simple: All it takes is one ill-advised click on a suspicious link or attachment to leave your most important information vulnerable. If a data breach occurs, your organization could be on the receiving end of serious financial and reputational harm. Minimize the human risk factor and protect your networks, systems,...

Easily Launch Security Awareness Training in Minutes!

When you choose one of the Click and Launch bundles, Champion or All-Star, you will: Launch easy-to-use training content that’s optimized and ready to use immediately Change the right end user behaviors with informative courses and phishing simulations Get cost-effective, immersive training experience that leverages 20 years of industry expertise Ready for powerful security awareness...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. Join the top 2%. ...

The Cyber Security Hub

Get and share the knowledge everyone needs to become a cyber hero! Establishing a strong security-aware organizational culture and changing user behavior is built on knowledge. To avoid data breaches, employees must be able to identify and report potential cyber threats. The Cyber Security Hub makes is easier than ever to obtain and distribute content on a variety of important cyber security...

Why Modern Design Matters in Cyber Security Training

As cyber criminals keep innovating, coming up with new and more damaging attacks every year, it’s crucial for organizations worldwide to train their staff to recognize these threats. According to a study by Mastercard, a staggering 95% of data breaches are due to human error. This statistic highlights the critical importance of training employees on modern cyber threats. Maintaining employee...

How Often Should Employees Receive Security Awareness Training?

With cyber attacks posing a significant threat to businesses, especially to small ones where 60% don’t survive such an incident, the importance of regular and effective cyber security awareness training is more evident than ever. But what defines “regular?” What makes “effective?” This article explores the crucial aspect of training frequency. It’s not just about whether your employees undergo...

The Crucial Need for Cyber Security in Nonprofits

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures. These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators looking for an easy...

Four Ways to Make Cyber Security Employee Training Fun

Let’s be honest: cyber security employee training has a reputation for being dull. Most employees dread it. They expect dry training talks, lackluster presentations, and examples they can’t relate to. In any training, people must come first. You should create a model that focuses on the people you’re trying to reach: your own employees.  A people-centric approach lets you focus your cyber...

Let's Compare Cyber Security Risks by Generation: Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z

A lot of ink over the years has gone into comparing the most common generations within the workplace—and for a good reason. Generations are a great way to compare and study variations in broad subjects like the importance of job security, working habits, and technology usage. These generalizations have been crucial data for many important workplace improvements, including cyber security awareness...

5 Ways Your Organization Should Take Advantage of Cyber Security Awareness Month

With an ever-increasing threat complexity across the cyber threat landscape, Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM) provides an opportunity to reflect on how enterprises can enhance their defenses and educate employees on cyber security best practices. Few areas are as important to focus on as security awareness. As part of the 2021 Gone Phishing Tournament, launched during CSAM, Terranova...