

Top 11 Cybersecurity Concerns in the Finance Sector in 2024

Cybersecurity in finance is not just about defense but proactive adaptation. Banks face continuous threats despite advanced security infrastructures. The escalation in phishing success rates, as seen in Terranova Security's 2023 Gone Phishing Tournament found a 10.4% click-through statistic, highlighting the need for evolving security strategies.  While the finance sector performed better than...

Security Awareness Professional Services

Services That Help Achieve Your Cyber Security Goals Choose from multiple options that empower your awareness program managers throughout the life of the program. Strategize and launch training initiatives, monitor overall performance, and adjust training components to change unsafe end user behaviors and promote a security-first mindset. CISO...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. Join the top 2%. ...