

Employee error leads to Rogers Communications data breach

While certainly not the biggest data breach in recent memory, this Rogers Communications incident demonstrates how a seemingly small employee error can have significant consequences in the realm of cybersecurity. Data breaches have become major news topics and with good reason. These incidents have major implications not just for the businesses affected but also for their...

Governance and Information Security

Information security governance is a subset of corporate governance and can complete or encompass the governance of information technologies. It directs or strategically aligns information security activities and ensures that the company’s business objectives are reached. It also guarantees that information security risks are adequately managed and that information resources...

Business Continuity Management Program BCM (part 2)

As a follow up to the Business Continuity Management program article, here is a more detailed description of the development and implementation phase objectives and content of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for major incidents. This plan is in fact a set of plans which is comprised of the following main components: Emergency action plan and damage assessment This is a...

The ISO/IEC 27002 Standard

The ISO/IEC 27002 standard is part of a family of international standards (ISO 27000) for the management of information security. It includes the best industry practices to protect the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information. A risk assessment is initially necessary to identify priority controls to be implemented within a company in order to improve the...

Supplementary guide to achieving PCI-DSS compliance cloud computing

Cloud computing services require special attention in regards to information security and privacy. This is especially important when using credit card data while cloud computing in order to meet PCI-DSS ("Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard") standards. To this end, the SSC ("Standard Security Council") published a document entitled “Information Supplement: PCI DSS...