

Are Password Managers Safe to Use?

Image Passwords have become a cornerstone of the Internet. These strings of letters and numbers allow us to validate access to various communities, online tools, healthcare, banking, and more. As more and more information is stored behind passwords, efforts to steal and crack them have vastly increased.  These new cyber threats led...

Protect your loved ones from phishing, social engineering and other cyber attacks

Valentine’s Day isn’t just a day for romance. It’s a time of year when cyber criminals and scammers launch attacks such as phishing, vishing, smishing, and social engineering. Australia has begun issuing warnings to singles, informing them of the “pig butchering” or “romance baiting” scam that’s prominent on Valentine’s Day. It starts with the attacker assuming the identity of...

Top 5 Data Security Incidents of 2023 and Predictions for 2024

As 2023 comes to an end, one thing is certain: cyber security is still a prime concern for most companies. While industries like healthcare and retail are still more heavily impacted than any other, a concerning trend has emerged in regard to the variety of organizations being targeted by cyber criminals. This variety accounted for a staggering 20% increase in data breaches...

Using Generative AI Responsibly: Exploring 5 Common Use Cases

The rise of generative AI like ChatGPT and Midjourney has been one of this decade’s most revolutionary technological advancements. This technology has allowed businesses to scale their operations more efficiently and enabled entirely new functionalities within existing tools. While generative AI has had a largely positive impact on the world, its negative aspects cannot be...

Voice Generation AI: A Major Threat to Communication Carriers' Security Systems

Voice-based cyber attacks have existed for a long time and have wreaked havoc worldwide. They are a low-effort, high-reward attack that can be scaled to extreme heights with very little effort apart from finding phone number lists to call. This is part of the reason why vishing attacks have seen a 54% increase in 2022. A potentially even more aggravating factor is the recent...

AI in Cyber Security: Pros and Cons, and What it Means for Your Business

AI has been making waves in virtually every industry, and cyber security is no exception. Several companies are adopting the technology into different business functions, such as logistics and IT. But as AI quickly leaks into the business landscape, it’s also been the subject of criticism. Recently, news reports have revealed that ¾ of global businesses are considering or...

8 Examples of Vishing and How to Beat Them

Less of a cyber security threat and closer to a scam, Vishing refers to attempts to steal information or money over the phone by convincing the victim. These calls often use personal data acquired through previous cyber attacks to gain their victim’s trust. This type of threat is definitely on the rise—especially with the help of AI. Like many other hacks and scams, Vishing is...

How Artificial Intelligence Benefits Cyber Security Awareness Training

AI is changing how people live and work. Thanks to intuitive machine learning systems, the ability to predict, personalize, and customize has reached new levels. These capabilities of prediction, personalization, and customization make AI the perfect match for cyber security awareness training. AI cyber security training lets you meet individual employee learning needs...

What Organizations Can Learn from the Toyota Cloud Breach

Cloud storage has revolutionized how organizations collaborate internally, allowing them to store data conveniently and cheaper than ever. According to a recent survey of technology leaders, 93% of respondents said their company was “mostly cloud,” reflecting the hold that this technology has on all industries. The auto industry has recently integrated cloud storage at all...

ChatGPT and Its Recent Cyber Security Scares

Conversational AI has lately been the talk of the town for most knowledge workers worldwide. While this technology has existed for a few years, OpenAI’s ChatGPT released this year is leaps and bounds ahead of anything seen before. This trailblazing web app has been used for anything from writing wedding speeches to helping people do their jobs more efficiently. One thing is...

Why Transparency After a Data Breach is Important

It’s one of the scariest outcomes of a cyber attack. A data breach’s effect can easily bankrupt a company, and even if appropriately handled, its consequences are often felt for months or years to come. One of the biggest issues with data breaches, and what is often the most damaging outcome, is the loss of trust from customers. After all, if a breach happened once, how do you...

How to Report a Phishing Email Scam: What You Need to Know

Over 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent out to unsuspecting recipients daily. At this rate, over 1 trillion email scams are deployed in one calendar year. The sheer enormity of these numbers makes it easier to understand how and why employees become victims of phishing email scams. Their typical email inbox is overflowing with emails from colleagues, partners, friends,...

Wi-Fi Pineapple: What Do You Know About this Cyber Security Threat?

Carrying out a cyber attack is becoming more and more accessible. For a meager price of $99, anyone can now buy a platform to steal personal data and pose a cyber threat to organizations worldwide. This accessibility is made possible through the Wi-Fi Pineapple. Learn about this new cyber threat in this article and get tips on protecting your organization. What is a Wi-Fi...

How Scammers Are Using ChatGPT to Steal Credentials

Since its release, ChatGPT has been a hot topic, with more and more people growing to like it. Among the people who are enjoying the advantages of this AI tool are online scammers. Hackers use ChatGPT's popularity to trick users into downloading malware and stealing their personal information, making it a hotbed for phishing scams. Luckily, users can avoid falling prey to...

What's the Difference Between Smishing and Vishing?

An urgent voicemail message from the tax department. A text message from Microsoft tech support warning you about a problem with your computer. A caller asking you to confirm your mailing address and credit card number so you can collect your free prize. A text message requesting your confirmation of an Amazon shipment. These are all examples of smishing and vishing cyber...

Are You Being Played? AI's Role in Social Engineering and How You Can Protect Yourself

While there’s no denying that AI has its advantages, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. One of which is its role in making social engineering easier to pull off. Cyber criminals are beginning to utilize AI software to generate the voice of chief executive officers and fool employees into revealing sensitive information or initiating monetary transfers. An...

What's the Damage? The Truth About the Cost of Data Breaches

In today's interconnected world, organizations are responsible for their cyber security practices as well as those of their third-party vendors. With increasingly complex risk management scenarios, the impact of a data breach can be catastrophic for an entire supply chain. According to a study by IBM, 83% of U.S. companies who participated have experienced a data breach more...

What You Need to Know About the Google Drive Scam

Hackers are targeting hundreds of thousands of Google users with fake Google Drive notifications and emails to try and trick them into visiting malicious websites.

6 Things to Learn from the Garmin Security Breach

As much as we can say that cyber security measures are advancing, we can say the same about cyber criminals and their strategies. In 2022, ransomware attacks occurred every 11 seconds on average, at a global annual cost to businesses and governments of $20 billion US. Costs are rising in part due to the growing ransoms demanded from victims. While estimates of the average...

Yes, Cybercriminals Can Use ChatGPT to Their Advantage, Too

In the age of robots and artificial intelligence comes another player in the AI market: ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Since its release, cyber security professionals have unlocked various opportunities with its features. Namely, it can answer prompts, write codes on demand, detect phishing emails, and crack passwords. In a nutshell, ChatGPT can be an invaluable...