

Cybersecurity for companies

In April 2013, the Canadian government announced its action plan for cybersecurity and highlighted the successes realized within the framework of its cybersecurity strategy to enhance cyberspace security for Canadians. One such measure involves the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Center (CCIRC), which supports Public Safety Canada, acting as the national coordinating center...

Scam by fraudsters – Ransomware

Ransomware is one the many scams that Internet users dread. Once this type of malicious program is installed, it asks the user for “ransom” to unlock the computer, using various pretexts and pretending to be a local police authority. In one case, a user clicked on a malicious link and was bombarded with pornographic pop-ups. The user attempted to restart his computer, when he...

Supplementary guide to achieving PCI-DSS compliance cloud computing

Cloud computing services require special attention in regards to information security and privacy. This is especially important when using credit card data while cloud computing in order to meet PCI-DSS ("Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard") standards. To this end, the SSC ("Standard Security Council") published a document entitled “Information Supplement: PCI DSS...