

What the Twitter Hack Revealed About Social Engineering

Less than a week ago, Twitter fell victim to a monumental security breach that saw hackers successfully orchestrate a social engineering attack and take over high-profile Twitter user accounts, including world-renowned companies like Apple and business magnates like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. The cybercriminals used that access to launch a bitcoin scam that generated over $120,000. The attack is...

How to Successfully Manage Repeat Clickers

(7 min read) Using online security awareness training to lower your click rate Recognizing a potential phishing email is the first step in avoiding falling victim to a cyber attack. The next and most important step is knowing what to do with this email. Ideally, you want your employees to report the phishing email to you and then delete the message. However, curiosity is extremely powerful....
On-Demand Webinar

How Does Your Click Rate Stack Up?

Benchmarking statistics related to phishing simulations are critical for driving behavioral change. Based on the recent results of the 2019 Gone Phishing Tournament, learn how the click rate data gathered reinforces the importance of implementing a program that combines rich and engaging content for security awareness training and phishing simulations based on real-life scenarios. You will also...

Impending breach notification laws highlight importance of security awareness

New data breach notification proposals from President Obama and other political leaders will only exacerbate the impact of these incidents. The stakes surrounding cybersecurity aren’t just increasing – they are expanding. For years now, business leaders have understood that data breaches are a serious issue, one which firms must do everything in their power to avoid. After all, these incidents...

Supplementary guide to achieving PCI-DSS compliance cloud computing

Cloud computing services require special attention in regards to information security and privacy. This is especially important when using credit card data while cloud computing in order to meet PCI-DSS ("Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard") standards. To this end, the SSC ("Standard Security Council") published a document entitled “Information Supplement: PCI DSS Cloud Computing...