

This is Why You Need Mobile Responsive Security Awareness Training

(7 min read) Hint: It has everything to do with effective mobile learning. The past decade’s explosion of smartphone and tablet usage has magnified the importance of well-designed mobile responsive content as a vital part of any training program. Recent studies echo clear mobile learning preference statistics, including how: 70% of learners feel more motivated when training on a mobile device...
On-Demand Webinar

The $25M Supply Chain Hack: Security Breach Podcast

Supply chain attacks are on the rise, with nearly 20% of organizations reporting breaches linked to vulnerabilities within their supply chains, according to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report. These attacks come with a hefty price tag, averaging nearly $4.5 million per incident, and they often take longer to detect and resolve than other types of breaches.Join us in an insightful discussion with...

Why Gamify Security Awareness Training?

Leveraging a spirit of competition to drive engagement and create a security culture Gamification is a popular concept these days, and for good reason. With gamification, you can develop a game for learning more about a serious topic while also getting the learner to approach winning that game with the same fervor they would when playing for entertainment. So what happens when you integrate...