

The Limitations of Zero Trust Architecture and How to Overcome Them

With cyber security incidents so prevalent, another result from the EY survey is impossible to ignore. A recent Ernst & Young (EY) report revealed that in the past 12 months, 81% of organizations experienced an average of 25 cybersecurity incidents. Furthermore, 53% of the surveyed cyber leaders concur that in today’s digital environment, a secure perimeter is non-existent. Given this stark...

The Crucial Need for Cyber Security in Nonprofits

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures. These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators looking for an easy...

2023 Phishing Benchmark Global Report

Working with Microsoft to create a real-world simulation experience, this report provides a true phishing behavior benchmarking opportunity for organizations worldwide.

How to Develop Security Awareness Training

According to Valimail’s Spring 2019 Email Fraud Landscape, about 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day, making it one of the most common types of cyber attacks. This number shows how crucial it is to train your employees so they can recognize and report malicious emails. That’s where cyber security awareness training comes in. With the right training program, you can provide your...

8 Examples of Vishing and How to Beat Them

Less of a cyber security threat and closer to a scam, Vishing refers to attempts to steal information or money over the phone by convincing the victim. These calls often use personal data acquired through previous cyber attacks to gain their victim’s trust. This type of threat is definitely on the rise—especially with the help of AI. Like many other hacks and scams, Vishing is a popular attack...

How Artificial Intelligence Benefits Cyber Security Awareness Training

AI is changing how people live and work. Thanks to intuitive machine learning systems, the ability to predict, personalize, and customize has reached new levels. These capabilities of prediction, personalization, and customization make AI the perfect match for cyber security awareness training. AI cyber security training lets you meet individual employee learning needs directly. Some employees...

What to Expect From Gone Phishing Tournament 2023

Every year, phishing statistics seem to get worse. The year 2022 witnessed over 4.7 million attacks, with a significant surge occurring in Q4, accounting for 1.35 million of those incidents. This trend indicates a steady annual growth rate of 150% since 2019. There is no doubt that phishing is the leading and most dangerous modern cyber attack. Recognizing these challenges, Fortra’s Terranova...

Why Cyber Security Awareness is Important in K-12 and Higher Education

K-12 and higher ed institutions were caught off-guard by the sudden shift to online classes—most found themselves vulnerable and unprepared for cyber threats. A recent slew of cyber attacks directed at school districts has led the US government to pass a new law called the K-12 Cybersecurity Act. This new legislation mandates the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure...

Your Real-World Footprint Has a Digital Counterpart: Here’s What You Need to Know About Digital Footprints

Detectives look for footprints and fingerprints because they’re instant proof of where someone’s been, what they touched, and where they’re headed. The concept holds online, too. Your digital footprint is a map of where you (and your devices) have been, what you do online, how you behave, and where you’re probably headed next in the cyber sphere. In this article, we explain what digital...

5 Reasons to Integrate Microlearning Into Your Security Awareness Training Program

Ten words: knowledge retention, behavior change, real-time, attention spans, rich media. As a security leader in your company, chances are you see how rapidly the cyber landscape is changing and how quickly cyber threats are evolving. Phishing, data breaches, malware, ransomware, and more threats are getting more sophisticated with every new technology. These risks are expected to double by 2025...

Here's How Abandoned Domain Name Can Become a Cyber Threat

Do you have old pages on your website that you’ve forgotten about? Obsolete projects with old domain names? Old pages that are no longer active? If so, beware. Those subdomains you’ve forgotten about can be highly valuable to cyber attackers. Keeping your organization’s website up-to-date typically means updating content. But while you focus on the new, don’t neglect any old domains or unused...

Cyber Security Preparedness in a Hybrid World

Offices around the world have undergone a massive transformation in recent years. While a fully remote workforce remains offered by a minority of employers, the hybrid nature of workplaces is rapidly becoming the norm. A recent study by Cisco studied the cyber security challenges tied to a distributed workforce, and their cyber security readiness model created some troubling statistics. According...

Why Is Phishing Awareness Training Important?

The reality is simple. Phishing attacks are more prevalent than ever before.An estimated 3.4 billion fraudulent emails are sent out daily as part of phishing schemes, resulting in the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) receiving over 651,800 phishing-related complaints annually.Adjusted losses for affected organizations topped $2.4 billion, costing them losses of up to $17,700 per minute...

How to Report a Phishing Email Scam: What You Need to Know

Over 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent out to unsuspecting recipients daily. At this rate, over 1 trillion email scams are deployed in one calendar year.The sheer enormity of these numbers makes it easier to understand how and why employees become victims of phishing email scams.Their typical email inbox is overflowing with emails from colleagues, partners, friends, family, third-party...

7 Signs of a Phishing Email

One of the most frequent attack vectors for cyber attackers is also one of the most used workplace applications. And you guessed it... that application is email. Thankfully, a lot of sophisticated technology these days can help protect organizations from cyber threats. Even so, this attack vector still puts your end users on the front lines of the cyber security threats. This means that to...

What's the Difference Between Smishing and Vishing?

An urgent voicemail message from the tax department. A text message from Microsoft tech support warning you about a problem with your computer. A caller asking you to confirm your mailing address and credit card number so you can collect your free prize. A text message requesting your confirmation of an Amazon shipment. These are all examples of smishing and vishing cyber attacks. They have...

What's a Zero-Day Attack?

Users often just assume that the software tools they're using are in top working condition, and that's generally true. However, every change and every piece of new code introduces new potential for gaps, problems, and bugs. Sometimes cyber security is a race against time. What happens when a cyber attacker finds a hole before a security team does? What is a Zero-Day Attack? As soon as a...

How To Prevent Ransomware

To prevent ransomware, companies need to focus on giving their employees actionable security awareness training that educates, empowers, and motivates. For this to happen, employees must understand the facts around ransomware and the profound, long-term impact it can have on the company. Once a ransomware attack is successfully executed, there are very few options for the affected company apart...

Why Organizations Need Data-Centric Security Strategies

Many employees are celebrating the recent shift to remote and hybrid work. However, some security specialists and compliance experts are not as thrilled. Digitalization, cloud computing, and Software as a Service (SaaS) bring new freedom and flexibility to organizations and workers. At the same time, they send data out into the wild beyond traditional security perimeters. There is a lot of...