

7 Examples of Social Media Scams You Should Avoid at All Costs

Image Social media platforms have become non-negotiables in our daily lives. We always find ourselves online at our favorite social media sites to connect with loved ones, share our thoughts, and discover interesting content. While social media has become central to our routines, its vast reach and anonymity provide certain risks...

Phishing Training for Microsoft 365 E5 Customers

Terranova Security’s phishing training content topics include (but are not limited to): Information Security Awareness Topics Business email compromise Email Identity Theft Introduction to information Security Malware Phishing Ransomware Social Engineering Microlearning Library Business email compromised (BEC) C-Level Email Impersonation Handling Unidentified...

Upgrade Security Awareness with Microsoft 365 and Terranova Security

Diverse Training for Global Teams Offering courses in major languages, extending a total of 40+, to meet the diverse needs of global workforces, ensuring consistent security practices across all regions. Metrics That Matter Use the Security Awareness Index to pinpoint your high-risk users and clearly define your cybersecurity training outcomes with measurable, data-driven...

Terranova Security and Microsoft

As Microsoft’s security awareness partner of choice, Terranova Security awareness content powers Attack Simulation Training, a key component of Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Learn more about the human-centric approach to security awareness training and content by booking a one-on-one demo. Your demo includes a complete overview of: Phishing, security awareness, social...

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. ...

Data Privacy on Social Media: How to Protect Your Information

More than half of the world population (54%) spends an average of 2 hours and 21 minutes on social media daily. Users’ likes, opinions, geotags, photo uploads, and friend connections are considered personal data. What social media companies do with that information is vitally important. However, users often give those platforms enormous control over their data when they sign...

How to Develop Security Awareness Training

According to Valimail’s Spring 2019 Email Fraud Landscape, about 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day, making it one of the most common types of cyber attacks. This number shows how crucial it is to train your employees so they can recognize and report malicious emails. That’s where cyber security awareness training comes in. With the right training program, you can...

Your Real-World Footprint Has a Digital Counterpart: Here’s What You Need to Know About Digital Footprints

Detectives look for footprints and fingerprints because they’re instant proof of where someone’s been, what they touched, and where they’re headed. The concept holds online, too. Your digital footprint is a map of where you (and your devices) have been, what you do online, how you behave, and where you’re probably headed next in the cyber sphere. In this article, we explain...

Risky Business: When Third-Party Troubles Become Your Own

Businesses don’t stand and operate alone. Organizations partner with an average of 10 third-party vendors to manage their operations. Especially when talking about large corporations—they collaborate with various other organizations or firms helping them manage and advance their operations. These firms include suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, software vendors,...

How to Enhance Third Party Risk Management with Cyber Security Training

Did you know that on average, every company is connected to ten third-party businesses? There’s the payroll services company that remotely manages employee wages. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud storage provider that backs up customer account data. The security company that provides access control to company buildings and systems. To achieve an efficient supply chain,...

Do You Know What You're Getting Into? The Risks of Social Media for Your Business

Social media has completely redefined our lives. From how we communicate to the type of information we broadcast, people worldwide have used these platforms to make new friends, share information, start and promote businesses, and so much more. These platforms have become amazingly convenient and powerful to the point where they have become a centerpiece of most people’s lives...

Why Your Third-Party Vendors Have Almost Definitely Been Breached and What to Do About It

The news from Human Resources is that employees are happier than ever. Working from home using third-party vendor services makes work easier and more flexible. The news from IT is less enthusiastic. A recent report showed that a whopping 98% of organizations have at least one third-party provider that has suffered a data breach in the last two years. Third-party vendor...

The Security Risks of Improper Employee Offboarding and How to Prevent It

Employees come and go for a variety of reasons. If you’re lucky, they’ll be very cooperative with the offboarding process, but this isn’t always the case. And even if they are, you still have to take it with a grain of salt. Some say that calm and cooperative offboarding is often the most dangerous because people aren’t as diligent when the situation seems lax. If these...

Countering The 5 Most Common Social Media Phishing Scams

It’s upsetting when bad actors turn the good things in life against us. We use social media daily to celebrate, learn, keep in touch, fall in love, and buy things that satisfy our needs and wants. Unfortunately, hackers exploit that information to execute phishing attacks. Social media platforms did not only experience more attacks in 2022, but it’s also become the fastest...

How to Transition from Data Protection to Cyber Culture

The way we think about data protection is changing. Cyber culture is emerging as the new norm, and organizations must adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Data protection has traditionally focused on preventing breaches and protecting sensitive information. However, cyber culture goes beyond this by encompassing all aspects of online life. It includes everything...

How to Protect Your Sensitive Information from Word Document Malware

If you’re a company that uses email scanning technology as the first line of cyber defense, you should know about a recent slate of malicious Word document-based attacks. These attacks are designed to deliver malware and ransomware to targeted systems. Security researchers at Cisco Talos recently identified an attack where Word document files attached to emails were used to...

What You Need to Know About The Office-365 Phishing Campaign Targeting C-Suite Executives

During the last week of January 2021, cyber security provider TrendMicro shared a blog post highlighting an Office-365 phishing campaign that criminals have targeted executives within manufacturing, tech, real estate, government, and finance since May 2020. As part of the scam, fraudsters sent the victims fake emails with links to a phishing site, where they harvested their...

Learn How Security Awareness Can Help Prevent Insider Threats in Your Organization

Actionable security awareness tips on how employees can prevent insider threats  A misplaced USB drive with confidential data. An opportunistic employee sharing confidential information with a competitor. An employee who accidentally clicks a phishing email. These are all examples of insider threats to your organization. Insider threats unfortunately are not simply the stuff...

The 2020 Security Awareness Virtual Summit for Partners: Here’s What You Need to Know

Robust, engaging security awareness training is an essential part of strong cyber security practices, especially given the accelerated digital transformation and shift by many organizations to remote workforces. It can also be a crucial value-added product for resellers, distributors, MSSPs, OEMs partners and technology partners, who are looking to expand their portfolio,...