

Top Examples of Malware Attacks

Malware is perhaps the most widely known out of all IT security threats. Since 1986, malware has become a significant concern for enterprise users, with recent examples including the Colonial Pipeline attack, Kaseya ransomware attack, and the SolarWinds Dark Halo breach. However, these attacks are just the tip of the iceberg, with many businesses falling victim to malware and...

What You Need to Know About the Kaseya Ransomware Outbreak

In early July, IT solutions provider and remote management solution provider Kaseya announced that it had fallen victim to a supply chain ransomware attack. During the attack, hackers leveraged a vulnerability in Kaseya’s VSA platform to encrypt the data of hundreds of downstream MSPs and their clients. The Kaseya ransomware outbreak is one of the latest high-profile...

How to Stop Your Employees Falling Victim to Shipping Notification Scams this Holiday Season

With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holidays fast approaching, cyber criminals are working round the clock to create new scams, such as the shipping notification scam, to phish for private information and commit identity fraud. As many employees will be shopping online during working hours, cyber security leaders need to educate employees on...

7 Cyber Security Tips for Retailers

The holiday shopping season presents a target-rich environment for cybercriminals. In fact, as per the 2020 Trustwave Global Security Report, the retail industry is the most targeted sector for cyber attacks for the third year running. An increasing shift to a digital environment—a change due in no small part to the COVID-19 pandemic—isn’t making data protection easier for...

Examining The 2020 Healthcare Ransomware Surge

How to Protect Against Ryuk Ransomware As countries worldwide struggle to come to grips with the Covid-19 pandemic, attackers have attempted to capitalize by launching a wave of ransomware attacks on hospitals across the U.S. and Canada. These attacks have taken place in locations ranging from New York, Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri, and Michigan, to Montreal, by using Ryuk...

Ransomware: Move from Beware to Be Aware!

DURATION: 40 MINUTES Do you fear that your organization’s data will be kidnapped and held for ransom? It is critical for CISOs and security teams to have the right methods, tools and techniques to stop ransomware from infecting their environment. An effective approach goes beyond technology and processes—it needs to include the human factors that contribute to ransomware...

Scam by fraudsters – Ransomware

Ransomware is one the many scams that Internet users dread. Once this type of malicious program is installed, it asks the user for “ransom” to unlock the computer, using various pretexts and pretending to be a local police authority. In one case, a user clicked on a malicious link and was bombarded with pornographic pop-ups. The user attempted to restart his computer, when he...

Secure information destruction

What is the value of the information stored on your computer equipment or paper documents? What would the impacts be if your personal or confidential information fell into the wrong hands (e.g. financial loss, loss of image / reputation, regulatory or legal non-compliance)? Can you be certain that a proper destruction method was used on the information (whether in digital or...