

How to Build a Successful Phishing Simulation Campaign

Phishing threats are everywhere, and if your employees don’t know how to spot them, you’re putting your information at risk. Knowing how to build a successful phishing simulation is vital for identifying how well employees can spot the latest threats and ensuring they know how to spot them independently. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to offer adequate security awareness training, with...
On-Demand Webinar

Terranova Security and Microsoft Present the Latest Global Phishing Benchmarks and Recommendations

Get the latest phishing benchmarking statistics from the 2021 Gone Phishing Tournament and learn how they can strengthen your security awareness initiatives in the coming year by attending the Phishing Benchmark Global Report Results webcast event. Terranova Security and Microsoft present highlights from the Tournament’s results and answer questions like: What geographic region had the best (and...

What You Need to Know About the Kaseya Ransomware Outbreak

In early July, IT solutions provider and remote management solution provider Kaseya announced that it had fallen victim to a supply chain ransomware attack. During the attack, hackers leveraged a vulnerability in Kaseya’s VSA platform to encrypt the data of hundreds of downstream MSPs and their clients. The Kaseya ransomware outbreak is one of the latest high-profile ransomware attacks targeting...

7 Important Takeaways from the 2021 Security Awareness Virtual Summit

On June 22nd, Terranova Security hosted the 2021 edition of the Security Awareness Virtual Summit. Sponsored by Microsoft, the virtual event boasted sessions featuring speakers from some of the cyber security industry’s most recognized entities, including the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Gartner. The event’s lineup also featured a panel discussion featuring security awareness...

What You Need to Know About The Office-365 Phishing Campaign Targeting C-Suite Executives

During the last week of January 2021, cyber security provider TrendMicro shared a blog post highlighting an Office-365 phishing campaign that criminals have targeted executives within manufacturing, tech, real estate, government, and finance since May 2020. As part of the scam, fraudsters sent the victims fake emails with links to a phishing site, where they harvested their credentials to sell...
On-Demand Webinar

Terranova Security and Microsoft Present Global Phishing Benchmarks and Recommendations

Get the latest phishing statistics from the 2020 Gone Phishing Tournament and learn how to leverage them to help your organization strengthen security awareness initiatives. Watch the Phishing Benchmark Global Report Results webcast. Theo Zafirakos of Terranova Security and Brandon Koeller from Microsoft present highlights from the Tournament’s results and answer questions like: What...

Spear Phishing vs. Phishing: Everything You Need to Know

Spear phishing occurs when cyber criminals deploy targeted attacks against individuals and businesses alike via email. Using savvy tactics, hackers collect sensitive data about specific parties to construct messages that sound familiar and trustworthy. As its name implies, spear phishing falls under the larger umbrella category of phishing attacks that victimize end users and organizations daily....

How To Build a Strong Security Awareness Program in 2021

Discover security awareness trends and best practices for 2021 Your employees are your first line of defense against cyber security attacks. The strength of your security awareness program depends on every employee in your organization. As part of your organizational goals and plans for 2021, you need to prioritize building a cyber secure and aware culture. This requires an ongoing commitment...

Data Breaches in 2020: The Year in Review

The disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic saw enterprises across the globe rapidly adopt remote working to support social distancing and comply with quarantine restrictions implemented by national governments. Amid this chaos, many cyber criminals created new phishing scams and other online threats, leading to many high profile data breaches. One of the most alarming trends that emerged this...

Defining an Information Security Program

Every organization, regardless of size or revenue generated, needs an information security program (ISP), a collection of initiatives that form the basis for any cyber security plan involving confidential data. A well-developed information security program enables your organization to take an inclusive approach to protecting data such as protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable...

Learn How Security Awareness Can Help Prevent Insider Threats in Your Organization

Actionable security awareness tips on how employees can prevent insider threats  A misplaced USB drive with confidential data. An opportunistic employee sharing confidential information with a competitor. An employee who accidentally clicks a phishing email. These are all examples of insider threats to your organization. Insider threats unfortunately are not simply the stuff of movies and crime...

The Latest Click Rate Benchmarking for Security Awareness Leaders

This report gives cyber security and risk management leaders real-world phishing benchmarking data and lets organizations see how their click rate stacks up against their peers in multiple categories, including: Industry Organization size (number of employees) Geographical location ...

How to Stop Your Employees Falling Victim to Shipping Notification Scams this Holiday Season

With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holidays fast approaching, cyber criminals are working round the clock to create new scams, such as the shipping notification scam, to phish for private information and commit identity fraud. As many employees will be shopping online during working hours, cyber security leaders need to educate employees on phishing threats and teach...

How To Protect Remote Financial Services Employees from Cyber Attacks

Security awareness training for financial services and bank employees must be a top priority. While financial services institutions have long been prime targets for cybercriminals, as most attacks are financially motivated, the shift to remote work business models and operations has heightened cyber security risk levels. Recent data reinforces why financial services CISOs and security leaders need...

The 2020 Security Awareness Virtual Summit for Partners: Here’s What You Need to Know

Robust, engaging security awareness training is an essential part of strong cyber security practices, especially given the accelerated digital transformation and shift by many organizations to remote workforces. It can also be a crucial value-added product for resellers, distributors, MSSPs, OEMs partners and technology partners, who are looking to expand their portfolio, drive business growth...

How Security Awareness Training Targets and Changes User Phishing Behaviors

Learn the secrets behind effectively managing the human element of cyber security -- watching the Terranova Security presentation from the 2020 Forrester Security and Risk Virtual Forum on-demand! This presentation, from author and Terranova Security's Lise Lapointe, includes expert insight into: Why high-quality content that’s available in multiple formats, accessible to all users, and...

How to Protect Your Data from Social Engineering

Download the whitepaper and find out everything you need to know about social engineering, including: Who can be targeted with a social engineering scheme Why these kinds of attacks are so effective How social engineering leverages human emotions to steal data The easy steps you can take to keep your data safe ...