

Are Password Managers Safe to Use?

Image Passwords have become a cornerstone of the Internet. These strings of letters and numbers allow us to validate access to various communities, online tools, healthcare, banking, and more. As more and more information is stored behind passwords, efforts to steal and crack them have vastly increased.  These new cyber threats led...

Phishing Training for Microsoft 365 E5 Customers

Terranova Security’s phishing training content topics include (but are not limited to): Information Security Awareness Topics Business email compromise Email Identity Theft Introduction to information Security Malware Phishing Ransomware Social Engineering Microlearning Library Business email compromised (BEC) C-Level Email Impersonation Handling Unidentified...

Upgrade Security Awareness with Microsoft 365 and Terranova Security

Diverse Training for Global Teams Offering courses in major languages, extending a total of 40+, to meet the diverse needs of global workforces, ensuring consistent security practices across all regions. Metrics That Matter Use the Security Awareness Index to pinpoint your high-risk users and clearly define your cybersecurity training outcomes with measurable, data-driven...

Terranova Security and Microsoft

As Microsoft’s security awareness partner of choice, Terranova Security awareness content powers Attack Simulation Training, a key component of Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Learn more about the human-centric approach to security awareness training and content by booking a one-on-one demo. Your demo includes a complete overview of: Phishing, security awareness, social...

The 5 Most Common Supply Chain Attacks

Say, have you heard anything about supply chains lately? Of course, you have. This phrase has entered the zeitgeist with more gusto than Taylor Swift oozing rizz in a Chiefs jersey. When we talk about the price of things, be they groceries or concert tickets, the conversation inevitably turns to someone remarking on “the supply chain,” and the rest of us nod knowingly. Which...

Top 5 Data Security Incidents of 2023 and Predictions for 2024

As 2023 comes to an end, one thing is certain: cyber security is still a prime concern for most companies. While industries like healthcare and retail are still more heavily impacted than any other, a concerning trend has emerged in regard to the variety of organizations being targeted by cyber criminals. This variety accounted for a staggering 20% increase in data breaches...

The 5 Most Spoofed Brands in the World

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”     Cartoon by Peter Steiner There’s a reason this cartoon gained popularity in 1993 and has now become an iconic representation of how the internet works. The internet provides a way for people to hide their real identities, which can unfortunately lead to dishonest activities. Nowadays, scammers take advantage of this to...

What Organizations Can Learn from the Toyota Cloud Breach

Cloud storage has revolutionized how organizations collaborate internally, allowing them to store data conveniently and cheaper than ever. According to a recent survey of technology leaders, 93% of respondents said their company was “mostly cloud,” reflecting the hold that this technology has on all industries. The auto industry has recently integrated cloud storage at all...

The Chain Reaction: Why Cyber Security in Supply Chain Networks is Critical

Imagine countless organizations working together like a well-oiled machine to create and deliver the products and services we rely on. That’s what supply chain networks are. Like a machine, each connection is vital to make the whole thing work. It’s a delicate dance of supply and demand, where each organization plays its part in keeping the network alive and thriving. And...

Why Transparency After a Data Breach is Important

It’s one of the scariest outcomes of a cyber attack. A data breach’s effect can easily bankrupt a company, and even if appropriately handled, its consequences are often felt for months or years to come. One of the biggest issues with data breaches, and what is often the most damaging outcome, is the loss of trust from customers. After all, if a breach happened once, how do you...

How to Report a Phishing Email Scam: What You Need to Know

Over 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent out to unsuspecting recipients daily. At this rate, over 1 trillion email scams are deployed in one calendar year. The sheer enormity of these numbers makes it easier to understand how and why employees become victims of phishing email scams. Their typical email inbox is overflowing with emails from colleagues, partners, friends,...

Wi-Fi Pineapple: What Do You Know About this Cyber Security Threat?

Carrying out a cyber attack is becoming more and more accessible. For a meager price of $99, anyone can now buy a platform to steal personal data and pose a cyber threat to organizations worldwide. This accessibility is made possible through the Wi-Fi Pineapple. Learn about this new cyber threat in this article and get tips on protecting your organization. What is a Wi-Fi...

How Scammers Are Using ChatGPT to Steal Credentials

Since its release, ChatGPT has been a hot topic, with more and more people growing to like it. Among the people who are enjoying the advantages of this AI tool are online scammers. Hackers use ChatGPT's popularity to trick users into downloading malware and stealing their personal information, making it a hotbed for phishing scams. Luckily, users can avoid falling prey to...

What's the Damage? The Truth About the Cost of Data Breaches

In today's interconnected world, organizations are responsible for their cyber security practices as well as those of their third-party vendors. With increasingly complex risk management scenarios, the impact of a data breach can be catastrophic for an entire supply chain. According to a study by IBM, 83% of U.S. companies who participated have experienced a data breach more...

What You Need to Know About the Google Drive Scam

Hackers are targeting hundreds of thousands of Google users with fake Google Drive notifications and emails to try and trick them into visiting malicious websites.

6 Things to Learn from the Garmin Security Breach

As much as we can say that cyber security measures are advancing, we can say the same about cyber criminals and their strategies. In 2022, ransomware attacks occurred every 11 seconds on average, at a global annual cost to businesses and governments of $20 billion US. Costs are rising in part due to the growing ransoms demanded from victims. While estimates of the average...

Everything You Need to Know About Biometrics Hacking

Biometric authentication, such as face IDs, retina scans, and fingerprints, were introduced to our devices to increase security. At first, it felt like it was doing what it was meant to do. Plus, the convenience it brought with it was top-notch. I mean, accessing your smartphone with your thumb? Logging into your bank account using your face ID? Amazing. However, over the...

Cyber Attacks Pose the Biggest Risk to UK Banks – Bank of England

This financial sector’s reliance on computer systems and network has made it an attractive target for cyber attacks, now the biggest risk to the UK financial system. In its latest Financial Stability Report, the Bank of England (BoE) agrees that cyber threats may be prevalent in 2023. The BoE said that it is working to strengthen defenses against cyber attacks. The report...

How to Protect Your Sensitive Information from Word Document Malware

If you’re a company that uses email scanning technology as the first line of cyber defense, you should know about a recent slate of malicious Word document-based attacks. These attacks are designed to deliver malware and ransomware to targeted systems. Security researchers at Cisco Talos recently identified an attack where Word document files attached to emails were used to...

What You Need to Know About the 2022 Australian Cyber Attacks

There is a sharp rise in cyber attacks targeting businesses and organizations across Australia. The nature of these attacks ranges from ransomware and phishing scams to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, with some estimates suggesting that the number of cyber incidents could be as high as one million per year. The financial cost of these cyber attacks is immense,...