

The CRA Cyber Attack: Here’s What You Need to Know

In mid-August, cybercriminals targeted the Canada Revenue Agency with two credential stuffing attacks, obtaining the usernames and passwords of 9,041 GCKey accounts, and 5,500 CRA accounts. The fraudsters then used the stolen login credentials to apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). In response to the attack, a statement released by the Office of the Chief Information Officer...

How to Protect Your Data from the Microsoft Office 365 Phishing Scam

Since December 2019, there has been a coordinated campaign of phishing attempts targeting Office 365 users. Cyber criminals have sent spoofed email, gathering the login credentials and payment details of Microsoft accounts in over 62 countries. According to one report, despite a 42% reduction in phishing attempts in 2019, scams like this Microsoft Office 365 campaign remain a significant threat...

What the Twitter Hack Revealed About Social Engineering

Less than a week ago, Twitter fell victim to a monumental security breach that saw hackers successfully orchestrate a social engineering attack and take over high-profile Twitter user accounts, including world-renowned companies like Apple and business magnates like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. The cybercriminals used that access to launch a bitcoin scam that generated over $120,000. The attack is...

This is Why You Need Mobile Responsive Security Awareness Training

(7 min read) Hint: It has everything to do with effective mobile learning. The past decade’s explosion of smartphone and tablet usage has magnified the importance of well-designed mobile responsive content as a vital part of any training program. Recent studies echo clear mobile learning preference statistics, including how: 70% of learners feel more motivated when training on a mobile device. ...

2020 Security Awareness Virtual Summit Preview

Security awareness training is indispensable to ensure that your users have the knowledge they need to protect your organization’s sensitive data from cyber threats. These training initiatives also help create a strong cyber-secure organizational culture that emphasizes engaged, aware employees. On July 7th, Terranova Security will host the 2020 edition of the Security Awareness Virtual Summit,...

How to Successfully Manage Repeat Clickers

(7 min read) Using online security awareness training to lower your click rate Recognizing a potential phishing email is the first step in avoiding falling victim to a cyber attack. The next and most important step is knowing what to do with this email. Ideally, you want your employees to report the phishing email to you and then delete the message. However, curiosity is extremely powerful....

Don’t Be Fooled By A Spoofing Attack

Know how to identify and prevent a spoofing attack Spoofing attacks are the ultimate form of cybercriminal trickery and deception. Cybercriminals disguise themselves and rely on trust to steal confidential information, install ransomware, and commit other cybercrimes. Spoofing comes down to trust. Cybercriminals hide behind trusted people, domains, URLs, and the technical elements that make up a...
On-Demand Webinar

Protecting Your Healthcare Organization From Cyber Threats

DURATION: 30 MINUTES With the current COVID-19 pandemic breeding uncertainty and unique challenges, the healthcare industry has become a prime target and is facing cyber threats at an alarming rate. Watch this on-demand webcast and Q&A with CISO Theo Zafirakos of Terranova Security on “Protecting Your Healthcare Organization from Cyber Threats” to learn strategies and best practices for security...

Cyber Security Tips and Advice for Remote Workers

COVID-19 is rapidly changing how we work, communicate, and interact with one another. Some private companies, public institutions, and government departments are mandating that all employees who can, must work from home. For many users this is the first time they have worked from home. Not only is there the stress of the uncertainties around COVID-19 but also an adjustment period for people...

How Role Based Security Awareness Training Bridges Security Awareness and Knowledge Gaps

Adult Learners Need Relevant and Relatable Training Using intelligent social engineering techniques, cybercriminals know how to tailor their cyber attacks to their recipients. An employee in HR receives a very different phishing email than the customer service representative in a call center or the salesperson who is traveling and accessing the network remotely. And this is exactly why...
On-Demand Webinar

How Does Your Click Rate Stack Up?

Benchmarking statistics related to phishing simulations are critical for driving behavioral change. Based on the recent results of the 2019 Gone Phishing Tournament, learn how the click rate data gathered reinforces the importance of implementing a program that combines rich and engaging content for security awareness training and phishing simulations based on real-life scenarios. You will also...

Keep Your Employees Safe Online on Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is right around the corner and this means employees will be shopping online at work. To prepare for the busiest online shopping day of the year, companies need to remind employees of how to be safe online. It’s very easy for even the most cyber-aware employees to get caught up in the rush of online holiday sales and promotions. Retailers know that shoppers want deals and start their...
On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webcast: The Five Stages of Being Phished

When falling for a phishing scam, users usually go through one or more emotional stages including; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Watch now to learn more about: The 5 stages and how they affect the impact of a data breach Using a security awareness program to help users become cyber aware The role of just-in-time training and phishing simulations in effectively...

Tips to help employees be cyber safe at home and at the office

The lessons learned from cyber security training for employees must extend beyond the office doors. It’s important that employees understand that cyber security awareness matters at the office and at home. We know that many people relax their cyber security practices when they’re using their home computers, laptops, and personal mobile devices. You want to give your staff, your users actionable...
On-Demand Webinar

How To Set Security Awareness Strategic Goals, KPIs And Metrics

This session will focus on the value and importance of metrics, what metrics to consider and how to demonstrate security awareness program effectiveness. Metrics matter! Attend the session to learn to: Understand the difference between goals, KPIs and metrics in security awareness Set strategic goals, objectives, KPIs & metrics based on your organizations needs and culture Collect and...
On-Demand Webinar

Five Steps To Set Up A Cyber Security Ambassador Program

DURATION: 1 HOUR The responsibilities of today’s security awareness leaders are expanding and growing in complexity. They are expected to safeguard their organizations and reduce human risk with limited resources. Good news – They don’t have to do it alone! During this session you will learn: How to leverage a cyber security ambassador program to instill a security culture, change behavior...

Why Gamify Security Awareness Training?

Leveraging a spirit of competition to drive engagement and create a security culture Gamification is a popular concept these days, and for good reason. With gamification, you can develop a game for learning more about a serious topic while also getting the learner to approach winning that game with the same fervor they would when playing for entertainment. So what happens when you integrate...

The Nine Elements Impacting Cybersecurity Awareness

The MINDSPACE framework: What factors influence human behavior? Even when your company has the best technology and the most efficient security controls, it still has to invest in the human factor. Regardless of the methods a company adopts, nothing can be accomplished unless users of the technology are motivated and able to apply the methods effectively. According to a recent study, a...

5 Ways to Reduce the Risk of a Social Network Breach

Social networking overlaps corporate and personal lives, and so should the mission to create a culture of security awareness. It’s true. There was little – if nothing – any Facebook user could have done to prevent their passwords from getting exposed earlier this spring. Just look at the facts of the case, said Theo Zafirakos, Chief Information Security Officer and Security Awareness Coach at...
On-Demand Webinar

How to Succeed In Cyber Security Awareness

During this webcast, you will learn how to effectively implement a cyber security awareness program that will generate measurable results. Watch the webcast and start optimizing your cyber security awareness program now! During the webcast, learn more about: Tips and guidelines on how to implement a successful and measurable cyber security awareness program. A proven methodology, based on...