

Strategizing Cybersecurity Awareness with Different Training Types

Many organizations face regulatory requirements to train employees on cybersecurity threats, but simply meeting these standards doesn't mean you’re protecting your people and your data. Effective training goes beyond compliance, offering frequent exposure to new ideas, regular repetition, practical application, and continuous assessment. This is where targeted training types come into play...

Why Strategic Goals are Important in Security Awareness Programs

A cyber security awareness program involves all parts of a company and needs support from every level of management. Clear strategic goals are essential to guide the program and keep it focused on its objectives. In a webinar hosted by Terranova Security’s CISO Theo Zafirakos, 42% of the attendees revealed that they don’t have any strategic goals...

Why Modern Design Matters in Cyber Security Training

As cyber criminals keep innovating, coming up with new and more damaging attacks every year, it’s crucial for organizations worldwide to train their staff to recognize these threats. According to a study by Mastercard, a staggering 95% of data breaches are due to human error. This statistic highlights the critical importance of training employees on modern cyber threats. Maintaining employee...

How Often Should Employees Receive Security Awareness Training?

With cyber attacks posing a significant threat to businesses, especially to small ones where 60% don’t survive such an incident, the importance of regular and effective cyber security awareness training is more evident than ever. But what defines “regular?” What makes “effective?” This article explores the crucial aspect of training frequency. It’s not just about whether your employees undergo...

The Crucial Need for Cyber Security in Nonprofits

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures. These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators looking for an easy...

Four Ways to Make Cyber Security Employee Training Fun

Let’s be honest: cyber security employee training has a reputation for being dull. Most employees dread it. They expect dry training talks, lackluster presentations, and examples they can’t relate to. In any training, people must come first. You should create a model that focuses on the people you’re trying to reach: your own employees. A people-centric approach lets you focus your cyber...

Keep Your Employees Safe Online on Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is right around the corner and this means employees will be shopping online at work. To prepare for the busiest online shopping day of the year, companies need to remind employees of how to be safe online. It’s very easy for even the most cyber-aware employees to get caught up in the rush of online holiday sales and promotions. Retailers know that shoppers want deals and start their...

Employee error leads to Rogers Communications data breach

While certainly not the biggest data breach in recent memory, this Rogers Communications incident demonstrates how a seemingly small employee error can have significant consequences in the realm of cybersecurity. Data breaches have become major news topics and with good reason. These incidents have major implications not just for the businesses affected but also for their employees, their...

Secure Behavior in the Office

Nowadays, information security is a very common term used in the business world. Previously, security was simply a matter of installing a firewall to protect a corporate network by adding barriers to prevent intruders from access it. In the last few years, information has become electronic, or should I say virtual, in its primary form. What used to be on hard copy or paper form is now stored,...