

5 Reasons Why You Need Gamification In Your Cyber Security Awareness Program

Cybersecurity training is crucial, yet traditional methods often fail to inspire engagement, leading to subpar knowledge retention and application of critical security practices. As security threats constantly evolve, you need training that not only informs but also captivates and motivates. Enter gamification. By weaving elements of game design into training programs, you...

Why Is Phishing Awareness Training Important?

The reality is simple. Phishing attacks are more prevalent than ever before. An estimated 3.4 billion fraudulent emails are sent out daily as part of phishing schemes, resulting in the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) receiving over 651,800 phishing-related complaints annually. Adjusted losses for affected organizations topped $2.4 billion, costing them losses of...

How to Report a Phishing Email Scam: What You Need to Know

Over 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent out to unsuspecting recipients daily. At this rate, over 1 trillion email scams are deployed in one calendar year. The sheer enormity of these numbers makes it easier to understand how and why employees become victims of phishing email scams. Their typical email inbox is overflowing with emails from colleagues, partners, friends,...

Wi-Fi Pineapple: What Do You Know About this Cyber Security Threat?

Carrying out a cyber attack is becoming more and more accessible. For a meager price of $99, anyone can now buy a platform to steal personal data and pose a cyber threat to organizations worldwide. This accessibility is made possible through the Wi-Fi Pineapple. Learn about this new cyber threat in this article and get tips on protecting your organization. What is a Wi-Fi...

How Scammers Are Using ChatGPT to Steal Credentials

Since its release, ChatGPT has been a hot topic, with more and more people growing to like it. Among the people who are enjoying the advantages of this AI tool are online scammers. Hackers use ChatGPT's popularity to trick users into downloading malware and stealing their personal information, making it a hotbed for phishing scams. Luckily, users can avoid falling prey to...

What's a Zero-Day Attack?

Users often just assume that the software tools they're using are in top working condition, and that's generally true. However, every change and every piece of new code introduces new potential for gaps, problems, and bugs. Sometimes cyber security is a race against time. What happens when a cyber attacker finds a hole before a security team does? What is a Zero-Day Attack? ...

Management of technical vulnerabilities

Information systems are not equally safe or vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cyber criminals look for entry points that make it easier to break in, steal data, or do damage to systems. To illustrate, think of a burglary attempt. If an intruder has several houses to choose from, the one with an unlocked door and no security cameras is the easiest and most likely target. The process...

Electric Vehicle Cyber Security: Are EVs Safe from Hackers?

It’s a simple fact: electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming a prominent fixture of everyday life. Global warming and climate issues are accelerating the adoption of this transportation method running on renewable energy. EVs also feature many technological innovations that make them attractive to buyers. So popular, in fact, that Gartner estimates there will be 2 million...

How to Build a Strong Security Awareness Training Program in 2023

Your employees are your first line of defense against cyber security attacks. The success or failure of your security awareness program depends on the knowledge of every employee in your organization. As part of your organizational goals and plans for 2023, you must prioritize building a cyber secure and aware culture. This requires an ongoing commitment not just among the...

The 7 Major Concerns for Cyber Security Right Now

Cyber security is a constant battle against evolving threats. While most of the themes are the same, it is crucial to remain informed and up to date on the latest forms of every cyber threat. After all, 31% of executives said in a recent survey their main cyber security challenge was improper identification of key risks. Most companies around the globe have a cyber security...

Four Ways to Make Cyber Security Employee Training Fun

Let’s be honest: cyber security employee training has a reputation for being dull. Most employees dread it. They expect dry training talks, lackluster presentations, and examples they can’t relate to. In any training, people must come first. You should create a model that focuses on the people you’re trying to reach: your own employees.  A people-centric approach lets you...

What's the Damage? The Truth About the Cost of Data Breaches

In today's interconnected world, organizations are responsible for their cyber security practices as well as those of their third-party vendors. With increasingly complex risk management scenarios, the impact of a data breach can be catastrophic for an entire supply chain. According to a study by IBM, 83% of U.S. companies who participated have experienced a data breach more...

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and How it Affects Your Business

New regulations are already keeping IT professionals on their toes in 2023. One monumental change for California residents and businesses is the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). The legislation came into force on January 1, 2023. Legislators drafted the new rules to empower consumers and close gaps in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The CPRA gives customers...

How to Measure the Success of Your Security Awareness Program

There’s no way to measure your security awareness program’s success unless you identify the behaviors you want to address and develop a clear, actionable strategy. However, many cyber security leaders struggle to create a framework to quantify the success of their security awareness training. As a result, their organizations rely on intuition rather than clearly defined...

Cyber Security In The Education Sector

The education sector experienced a "record-breaking" year of cyber attacks in 2020. In case you'd been sleeping under a rock, there was a global pandemic that drove up the need for virtual setups. According to Microsoft, education is globally the sector most vulnerable to threats like malware, accounting for more than 6.8 million (over 63%) of total reported encounters in...

What You Need to Know About the Google Drive Scam

Hackers are targeting hundreds of thousands of Google users with fake Google Drive notifications and emails to try and trick them into visiting malicious websites.

6 Things to Learn from the Garmin Security Breach

As much as we can say that cyber security measures are advancing, we can say the same about cyber criminals and their strategies. In 2022, ransomware attacks occurred every 11 seconds on average, at a global annual cost to businesses and governments of $20 billion US. Costs are rising in part due to the growing ransoms demanded from victims. While estimates of the average...

Everything You Need to Know About Biometrics Hacking

Biometric authentication, such as face IDs, retina scans, and fingerprints, were introduced to our devices to increase security. At first, it felt like it was doing what it was meant to do. Plus, the convenience it brought with it was top-notch. I mean, accessing your smartphone with your thumb? Logging into your bank account using your face ID? Amazing. However, over the...

Cyber Attacks Pose the Biggest Risk to UK Banks – Bank of England

This financial sector’s reliance on computer systems and network has made it an attractive target for cyber attacks, now the biggest risk to the UK financial system. In its latest Financial Stability Report, the Bank of England (BoE) agrees that cyber threats may be prevalent in 2023. The BoE said that it is working to strengthen defenses against cyber attacks. The report...

What You Need to Know About the 2022 Australian Cyber Attacks

There is a sharp rise in cyber attacks targeting businesses and organizations across Australia. The nature of these attacks ranges from ransomware and phishing scams to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, with some estimates suggesting that the number of cyber incidents could be as high as one million per year. The financial cost of these cyber attacks is immense,...