Immersive Cyber Games Training Modules

Level up your security awareness training content and boost end user engagement with engaging game-style modules. Put players at the center of exciting scenarios that reinforce cyber security best practices, facilitate behavior change, and help build threat resilience.

Serious Games

The Ultimate Awareness Training Experience

Enjoy first-person modules that leverage proven pedagogical eLearning techniques with Serious Game conte. Address crucial fundamentals with content that boosts knowledge and skill development.

serious game modules


Cyber Challenges

Quick, Focused Learning Modules

Hone in on one specific unsafe behavior or cyber security best practice with short, interactive learning modules. Support multifaceted training programs and high-risk clickers with additional, bite-sized content.

cyber challenge modules
Cyber Game modules will help you:
  • Increase participation and course completion
  • Support consistent knowledge retention
  • Target the unsafe end user behaviors to change
  • Enhance training initiatives with unique content

Learn how gamification features increase user engagement and security awareness training success!

 Request a demo and learn how to increase end user motivation and engagement with your security awareness program, improve user participation through gamified features and monitor progress with key training program metrics and KPIs.

Request a demo