

Voice Generation AI: A Major Threat to Communication Carriers' Security Systems

Voice-based cyber attacks have existed for a long time and have wreaked havoc worldwide. They are a low-effort, high-reward attack that can be scaled to extreme heights with very little effort apart from finding phone number lists to call. This is part of the reason why vishing attacks have seen a 54% increase in 2022. A potentially even more aggravating factor is the recent...

How Is the Digital Age Redefining Social Engineering's Playbook?

Phishing has always been a prominent attack vector, skyrocketing as traditional hacks became more complicated. Even worse, hackers have begun perfecting their tactics to make them more reliable and damaging. One of the most dangerous variants is social engineering, and with the help of AI, it's now becoming increasingly sophisticated. Let's discuss how AI is changing social...

How to Avoid Phishing Simulations False Positives?

This year is seeing more phishing attacks in more places, having more detrimental impacts. One security messaging provider noted a 61% increase in phishing attacks between April and October 2022 compared to the same period the previous year. Another report observed that when phishing attacks were successful in 2022, financial losses from those incidents increased by 76%. In...

The Limitations of Zero Trust Architecture and How to Overcome Them

With cyber security incidents so prevalent, another result from the EY survey is impossible to ignore. A recent Ernst & Young (EY) report revealed that in the past 12 months, 81% of organizations experienced an average of 25 cybersecurity incidents. Furthermore, 53% of the surveyed cyber leaders concur that in today’s digital environment, a secure perimeter is non-existent. ...

The Crucial Need for Cyber Security in Nonprofits

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures. These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators...

AI in Cyber Security: Pros and Cons, and What it Means for Your Business

AI has been making waves in virtually every industry, and cyber security is no exception. Several companies are adopting the technology into different business functions, such as logistics and IT. But as AI quickly leaks into the business landscape, it’s also been the subject of criticism. Recently, news reports have revealed that ¾ of global businesses are considering or...

How to Develop Security Awareness Training

According to Valimail’s Spring 2019 Email Fraud Landscape, about 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day, making it one of the most common types of cyber attacks. This number shows how crucial it is to train your employees so they can recognize and report malicious emails. That’s where cyber security awareness training comes in. With the right training program, you can...

How Artificial Intelligence Benefits Cyber Security Awareness Training

AI is changing how people live and work. Thanks to intuitive machine learning systems, the ability to predict, personalize, and customize has reached new levels. These capabilities of prediction, personalization, and customization make AI the perfect match for cyber security awareness training. AI cyber security training lets you meet individual employee learning needs...

Why Cyber Security Awareness is Important in K-12 and Higher Education

K-12 and higher ed institutions were caught off-guard by the sudden shift to online classes—most found themselves vulnerable and unprepared for cyber threats. A recent slew of cyber attacks directed at school districts has led the US government to pass a new law called the K-12 Cybersecurity Act. This new legislation mandates the Department of Homeland Security’s...

5 Reasons to Integrate Microlearning Into Your Security Awareness Training Program

Ten words: knowledge retention, behavior change, real-time, attention spans, rich media. As a security leader in your company, chances are you see how rapidly the cyber landscape is changing and how quickly cyber threats are evolving. Phishing, data breaches, malware, ransomware, and more threats are getting more sophisticated with every new technology. These risks are...

ChatGPT and Its Recent Cyber Security Scares

Conversational AI has lately been the talk of the town for most knowledge workers worldwide. While this technology has existed for a few years, OpenAI’s ChatGPT released this year is leaps and bounds ahead of anything seen before. This trailblazing web app has been used for anything from writing wedding speeches to helping people do their jobs more efficiently. One thing is...

Here's How Abandoned Domain Name Can Become a Cyber Threat

Do you have old pages on your website that you’ve forgotten about? Obsolete projects with old domain names? Old pages that are no longer active? If so, beware. Those subdomains you’ve forgotten about can be highly valuable to cyber attackers. Keeping your organization’s website up-to-date typically means updating content. But while you focus on the new, don’t neglect any old...

5 Reasons Why You Need Gamification In Your Cyber Security Awareness Program

Cybersecurity training is crucial, yet traditional methods often fail to inspire engagement, leading to subpar knowledge retention and application of critical security practices. As security threats constantly evolve, you need training that not only informs but also captivates and motivates. Enter gamification. By weaving elements of game design into training programs, you...

Why Is Phishing Awareness Training Important?

The reality is simple. Phishing attacks are more prevalent than ever before. An estimated 3.4 billion fraudulent emails are sent out daily as part of phishing schemes, resulting in the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) receiving over 651,800 phishing-related complaints annually. Adjusted losses for affected organizations topped $2.4 billion, costing them losses of...

Android vs iOS: Which Operating System is Safer?

Cellphones have seen one of the most dramatic technological growths of any hardware in recent history. From simple portable phones a few decades ago, they’ve become fully-fledged computers with their own OS and applications used daily by most people worldwide. Smartphones have become such a fixture of life, and hackers and scammers have been working to exploit these devices...

What's a Zero-Day Attack?

Users often just assume that the software tools they're using are in top working condition, and that's generally true. However, every change and every piece of new code introduces new potential for gaps, problems, and bugs. Sometimes cyber security is a race against time. What happens when a cyber attacker finds a hole before a security team does? What is a Zero-Day Attack? ...

Management of technical vulnerabilities

Information systems are not equally safe or vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cyber criminals look for entry points that make it easier to break in, steal data, or do damage to systems. To illustrate, think of a burglary attempt. If an intruder has several houses to choose from, the one with an unlocked door and no security cameras is the easiest and most likely target. The process...

Electric Vehicle Cyber Security: Are EVs Safe from Hackers?

It’s a simple fact: electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming a prominent fixture of everyday life. Global warming and climate issues are accelerating the adoption of this transportation method running on renewable energy. EVs also feature many technological innovations that make them attractive to buyers. So popular, in fact, that Gartner estimates there will be 2 million...

Are You Being Played? AI's Role in Social Engineering and How You Can Protect Yourself

While there’s no denying that AI has its advantages, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. One of which is its role in making social engineering easier to pull off. Cyber criminals are beginning to utilize AI software to generate the voice of chief executive officers and fool employees into revealing sensitive information or initiating monetary transfers. An...