

DMARC: The Next Step in Email Hygiene and Security

Image In 1971, Ray Tomlison developed the first email service while working at The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This development changed how we communicated. However, even though this was an exceptional tool, it was not very user-friendly, requiring users to have specific software installed on their computers. ...

7 Examples of Social Media Scams You Should Avoid at All Costs

Image Social media platforms have become non-negotiables in our daily lives. We always find ourselves online at our favorite social media sites to connect with loved ones, share our thoughts, and discover interesting content. While social media has become central to our routines, its vast reach and anonymity provide certain risks...

How to Create a Strong Password in 7 Easy Steps

Image On May 7th of every year, organizations worldwide remind their end users of the importance of a strong password. But with remote workforces becoming the new normal and a sharp increase in the digital information exchanged daily, strong password best practices must be top-of-mind year-round. Despite the increased public...

Are Password Managers Safe to Use?

Image Passwords have become a cornerstone of the Internet. These strings of letters and numbers allow us to validate access to various communities, online tools, healthcare, banking, and more. As more and more information is stored behind passwords, efforts to steal and crack them have vastly increased.  These new cyber threats led...

5 Examples of Strong Passwords That Will Secure Any Account

Image Passwords, our digital keys, wield a quiet power today. They protect your personal and business information, making them prime targets for hackers. With this power comes responsibility and the ongoing struggle to keep our virtual lives secure. AI has also made accessing passwords easier for cyber criminals. Modern cyber...

How Security Leaders Can Use Multi-Factor Authentication to Protect Sensitive Data

As cyber criminals discover new ways to harvest login credentials, usernames and passwords have become less effective at keeping malicious users at bay. Research shows there are over 15 billion stolen login credentials on the dark web, which criminals routinely use to steal sensitive information from modern organizations. With such a high volume of data breaches and...

How Secure is Cloud Storage? Here are the Important Risks to Know

The rise of cloud storage has enabled much of the rapid digital transformation people have experienced since the onset of the pandemic. Forecasts project that today’s $83.41 billion global market will explode to $376.37 billion by 2029. While cloud storage opens many opportunities to streamline processes and productivity, let’s keep in mind the arduous risks it poses. Skyhigh...

Top 5 Data Security Incidents of 2023 and Predictions for 2024

As 2023 comes to an end, one thing is certain: cyber security is still a prime concern for most companies. While industries like healthcare and retail are still more heavily impacted than any other, a concerning trend has emerged in regard to the variety of organizations being targeted by cyber criminals. This variety accounted for a staggering 20% increase in data breaches...

The Most Important Cyber Security Trends of 2024

It’s likely that you won’t be surprised that cyber security experts will need to step up their game in 2024. Last year’s events have shown us that education is key and that vigilance is essential. While we learned a lot in 2022, we also had new issues to deal with. Remote work caused 88% of businesses to feel that they are facing “challenges to effective cyber security...

12 Holiday Cyber Scams to Avoid

For most people, the holidays are a time to relax and unwind with family and friends. It’s also when consumers rush to buy gifts for their loved ones. At this time of year, cyber criminals are innovating new scams to steal the personal information of unsuspecting consumers, from phishing emails to malware infections. According to a report by Centum, cyber attacks increase by...

11 Cyber Security Tips for the Holidays

E-commerce growth is expected to grow by 9.4% by 2024; by 2027, it’s forecasted to hit a whopping $8 trillion for the first time. More people shopping online means more opportunities for cyber criminals to strike. In fact, there’s a growing trend of cyber scams taking place during the holiday shopping spree. As we all get busy with our holiday shopping and preparations,...

Is Your Email on Lockdown? Explaining Email Quarantine

Between 2022 and 2023, business email compromise (BEC) attacks rose by 55%. Furthermore, organizations that manage over 5,000 email accounts are 90% likely to receive at least one BEC attack weekly. Email is one of the most frequently used tools for both personal and professional communication. But with its convenience and accessibility also comes an onslaught of malicious...

What Organizations Can Learn from the Toyota Cloud Breach

Cloud storage has revolutionized how organizations collaborate internally, allowing them to store data conveniently and cheaper than ever. According to a recent survey of technology leaders, 93% of respondents said their company was “mostly cloud,” reflecting the hold that this technology has on all industries. The auto industry has recently integrated cloud storage at all...

Cyber Security Burnout: What it is and 5 Actionable Tips to Avoid it

Even though your cyber heroes only work from 9-5, cyber threats are lurking 24/7. Many dangers can materialize online, requiring constant monitoring and security operations professionals to keep up with and potentially mitigate the latest threats and vulnerabilities. And with the rapid increase in global cyber attacks, the stress for cyber security professionals is through...

Cyber Security Threats in the Auto Industry and How to Prevent Them

Transportation plays a vital role in our daily lives, getting us to work, school, and social activities. In many regions, cars have become the primary mode of transportation, shaping the urban landscape and influencing how we interact with our environment. For many people, owning a car is not only a convenience but a necessity in navigating the modern world. Over the years,...

The Definitive Guide to Cyber Security in Cryptocurrency

Even after years of business evolution; it’s shocking that safe, quick and trackable payments are still often such a struggle for many companies around the world. Banks are often slow-moving institutions that are late to embrace technological improvements, and currencies have been increasingly fickle in recent years. This situation is what allowed cryptocurrency to go from the...

Why Organizations Need Data-Centric Security Strategies

Many employees are celebrating the recent shift to remote and hybrid work. However, some security specialists and compliance experts are not as thrilled. Digitalization, cloud computing, and Software as a Service (SaaS) bring new freedom and flexibility to organizations and workers. At the same time, they send data out into the wild beyond traditional security perimeters....

10 Most Desired Traits of a Cyber Security Professional

Whether you’re just starting out in the workforce or making a career change, knowing what skills make up an excellent cyber security professional and how to work towards them is essential. The good news is that the industry as a whole is in dire need of qualified professionals, with the cyber skills gap totaling 3.4 million workers as of this year, a 26.2% increase since 2021....

Becoming a Cybersecurity Pro: The 10 Qualities You Need to Succeed

Cyber security is one of the fastest-growing fields in technology, and with the number of cyber attacks increasing every year, it’s no wonder why it’s also one of the fields hiring the most. Nowadays, almost every company needs a cyber security department to protect its data from hackers and scammers. Cybercrime magazine estimates there will be over 3.5 million cyber security...

The Crypto Crash: How it Affects Cyber Security in 2023 and What to Do About It

The crypto market has been on a wild ride over the past few years, with prices soaring to all-time highs in 2017 and then crashing just as dramatically in 2018. And while the market has been relatively stable in recent months, many experts predict another crash in 2023. But what does this mean for cyber security? In this article, we’ll explore the potential effects of the...