

Phishing Kit


How to Protect Your Data from the Microsoft Office 365 Phishing Scam

Since December 2019, there has been a coordinated campaign of phishing attempts targeting Office 365 users. Cyber criminals have sent spoofed email, gathering the login credentials and payment details of Microsoft accounts in over 62 countries. According to one report, despite a 42% reduction in phishing attempts in 2019, scams like this Microsoft Office 365 campaign remain a significant threat...
On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webcast: The Five Stages of Being Phished

When falling for a phishing scam, users usually go through one or more emotional stages including; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Watch now to learn more about: The 5 stages and how they affect the impact of a data breach Using a security awareness program to help users become cyber aware The role of just-in-time training and phishing simulations in effectively...

5 Ways to Reduce the Risk of a Social Network Breach

Social networking overlaps corporate and personal lives, and so should the mission to create a culture of security awareness. It’s true. There was little – if nothing – any Facebook user could have done to prevent their passwords from getting exposed earlier this spring. Just look at the facts of the case, said Theo Zafirakos, Chief Information Security Officer and Security Awareness Coach at...

Cyber Security Breaches – Reduce The Human Risk Factor

You can have the most powerful, cutting-edge security technology in the world, but if a user clicks on the link in a malicious email, lets a stranger tailgate into your building or uses 1234 as their login password, they unwittingly open your organization up to a cyber security breach. The fact is that the human risk factor remains your greatest point of vulnerability when it comes to cyber...

The Human Fix To Human Risk

Discover the secret to making your employees your most robust defense against cyber attacks. Flip the narrative with The Human Fix to Human Risk.

Recent phishing attacks demonstrate widespread dangers

By this point, the dangers presented by phishing attacks are becoming increasingly well known. Business leaders recognize that information security awareness is critical for organizations of all kinds, and these programs need to focus heavily on phishing if firms want to remain protected in the current cybersecurity landscape. Phishing attacks have become among the most dangerous forms of...

Employee error leads to Rogers Communications data breach

While certainly not the biggest data breach in recent memory, this Rogers Communications incident demonstrates how a seemingly small employee error can have significant consequences in the realm of cybersecurity. Data breaches have become major news topics and with good reason. These incidents have major implications not just for the businesses affected but also for their employees, their...

Risk of data breaches, cybercrime growing in Latin America

Latin American companies need to increase their investment in cybersecurity, including security awareness training for employees. Data breaches and cybercrime used to be seen as shocking, alarming and difficult to fathom. Today, they seem almost run of the mill. The world and many of its criminals have gone digital, and yet countless organizations have yet to embrace new strategies that can...

Impending breach notification laws highlight importance of security awareness

New data breach notification proposals from President Obama and other political leaders will only exacerbate the impact of these incidents. The stakes surrounding cybersecurity aren’t just increasing – they are expanding. For years now, business leaders have understood that data breaches are a serious issue, one which firms must do everything in their power to avoid. After all, these incidents...

Consumerization of IT Through BYOD: Is Your Company Ready?

The consumerization of IT is when employees use their own personal mobile devices, such as laptop computers, tablets, smart phones, etc. at work, referred to as BYOD (bring your own device). This use is becoming increasingly common and exposes companies to a variety of risks, including the protection of personal information. Canadian businesses appear to be leading the world in IT consumerization...

Secure information destruction

What is the value of the information stored on your computer equipment or paper documents? What would the impacts be if your personal or confidential information fell into the wrong hands (e.g. financial loss, loss of image / reputation, regulatory or legal non-compliance)? Can you be certain that a proper destruction method was used on the information (whether in digital or paper form) to ensure...