

Swipe Right on Cyber Security: Let’s Talk About Zodiac Signs

With Valentine’s Day upon us, our thoughts turn to love, compatibility, and cyber security. As Cupid strings his bow this Valentine’s Day, let’s explore how the stars might be influencing your approach to online security. Are you a Leo who roars against cyber threats, or a Pisces swimming through the sea of digital privacy? Remember, while the universe might hold many mysteries, your cyber...

Phishing Training for Microsoft 365 E5 Customers

Terranova Security’s phishing training content topics include (but are not limited to): Information Security Awareness Topics Business email compromise Email Identity Theft Introduction to information Security Malware Phishing Ransomware Social Engineering Microlearning Library Business email compromised (BEC) C-Level Email Impersonation Handling Unidentified Individuals Mass...

Upgrade Security Awareness with Microsoft 365 and Terranova Security

Diverse Training for Global Teams Offering courses in major languages, extending a total of 40+, to meet the diverse needs of global workforces, ensuring consistent security practices across all regions. Metrics That Matter Use the Security Awareness Index to pinpoint your high-risk users and clearly define your cybersecurity training outcomes with measurable, data-driven results. ...

Get Straight A’s in Cyber Security Awareness

Education institutions are targeted by thousands of cyber attacks every week All it takes is one ill-advised click on a suspicious link or attachment to leave your most important information vulnerable. If a data breach occurs, your organization could be on the receiving end of serious financial and reputational harm. Give your employees and students the knowledge they need to detect and report...

What is Quishing?

QR codes have come a long way since being invented in 1994 by a subsidiary of Toyota. Initially introduced to address some limitations of barcodes during the car manufacturing process, QR codes have since become staples in people’s day-to-day lives. The introduction of high-powered cameras to most modern smartphones is what allowed these codes to gain new uses. QR codes, easily generated and cost...
On-Demand Webinar

Choosing The Right Security Awareness Training Format: Does Size Really Matter?

DURATION: 30 minutes This session covers two of the most commonly asked questions from security awareness leaders, which are; what length of content is widely used in awareness programs and what format is impactful? Watch the session to learn about : The benefits of including different types of e-learning formats in your security awareness program The differences between microlearning and e...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Keeping Everyone Safe and Secure Online

On February 6, 2024, we will celebrate Safer Internet Day with learning events dedicated to inspiring change and highlighting the importance of online safety. This year, we can expect activities from organizational and industry supporters, schools and government agencies, community groups, and business leaders. With cyber security risks rising, Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to raise...

The 7 Most Dangerous Healthcare Cyber Attacks

While industries like banking and software can be devastated by cyber attacks, no other field is impacted by hackers like healthcare. As an example, it’s hard to forget attacks like the ransomware that brought all 400 locations of Universal Health Services to a standstill for months in the United States. Healthcare facilities often can’t operate if they don’t have access to crucial information...

The 5 Most Common Supply Chain Attacks

Say, have you heard anything about supply chains lately? Of course, you have. This phrase has entered the zeitgeist with more gusto than Taylor Swift oozing rizz in a Chiefs jersey. When we talk about the price of things, be they groceries or concert tickets, the conversation inevitably turns to someone remarking on “the supply chain,” and the rest of us nod knowingly. Which is to say, supply...

The Evolution and Limitations of Multi-Factor Authentication

As careers, banking, and healthcare move online, the need for more secure authentication has become increasingly urgent. While passwords have been adopted as the most common form of authentication, they pose many problems in terms of cyber security. In recent years, especially since the rise of remote work in 2019, the adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) has steadily risen to over 60%...

131 Cyber Security Statistics: 2024 Trends and Data

Cyber security awareness is an everyday job, and it’s easy to fall into a false sense of security once you have a solid plan in place. Every year, statistics are a reminder that hackers and scammers never sleep. New trends and attack types pop up daily, making it difficult to keep track. This list is a rundown of the most important statistics of the year, allowing you to get a good overview of...

Top 5 Data Security Incidents of 2023 and Predictions for 2024

As 2023 comes to an end, one thing is certain: cyber security is still a prime concern for most companies. While industries like healthcare and retail are still more heavily impacted than any other, a concerning trend has emerged in regard to the variety of organizations being targeted by cyber criminals. This variety accounted for a staggering 20% increase in data breaches compared to 2022. More...

Using Generative AI Responsibly: Exploring 5 Common Use Cases

The rise of generative AI like ChatGPT and Midjourney has been one of this decade’s most revolutionary technological advancements. This technology has allowed businesses to scale their operations more efficiently and enabled entirely new functionalities within existing tools. While generative AI has had a largely positive impact on the world, its negative aspects cannot be ignored. From text to...

Why Modern Design Matters in Cyber Security Training

As cyber criminals keep innovating, coming up with new and more damaging attacks every year, it’s crucial for organizations worldwide to train their staff to recognize these threats. According to a study by Mastercard, a staggering 95% of data breaches are due to human error. This statistic highlights the critical importance of training employees on modern cyber threats. Maintaining employee...

How Often Should Employees Receive Security Awareness Training?

With cyber attacks posing a significant threat to businesses, especially to small ones where 60% don’t survive such an incident, the importance of regular and effective cyber security awareness training is more evident than ever. But what defines “regular?” What makes “effective?” This article explores the crucial aspect of training frequency. It’s not just about whether your employees undergo...

Protecting Retail Businesses from Cyber Attacks

Retail stores are one of the oldest ways humans exchange goods and services. As they evolve, one of the most significant shifts they have undergone is the dramatic increase in technology integration within their operations. From tools to check stock to staffing management and cash registers, retail stores rely heavily on technology for almost every aspect of their business. Unfortunately, all...

9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Fraudsters This Black Friday and Cyber Monday

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are excellent opportunities for consumers to get hold of some great deals, they are also ideal for cyber criminals to execute cyber crimes and scams. Research shows that global e-commerce fraud is increasing, causing losses amounting to $41 billion in 2022. Later this year, the predicted losses are expected to exceed $48 billion. The retail industry is the...

Voice Generation AI: A Major Threat to Communication Carriers' Security Systems

Voice-based cyber attacks have existed for a long time and have wreaked havoc worldwide. They are a low-effort, high-reward attack that can be scaled to extreme heights with very little effort apart from finding phone number lists to call. This is part of the reason why vishing attacks have seen a 54% increase in 2022. A potentially even more aggravating factor is the recent drastic improvements...

How Is the Digital Age Redefining Social Engineering's Playbook?

Phishing has always been a prominent attack vector, skyrocketing as traditional hacks became more complicated. Even worse, hackers have begun perfecting their tactics to make them more reliable and damaging. One of the most dangerous variants is social engineering, and with the help of AI, it's now becoming increasingly sophisticated. Let's discuss how AI is changing social engineering's playbook...

How to Avoid Phishing Simulations False Positives?

This year is seeing more phishing attacks in more places, having more detrimental impacts. One security messaging provider noted a 61% increase in phishing attacks between April and October 2022 compared to the same period the previous year. Another report observed that when phishing attacks were successful in 2022, financial losses from those incidents increased by 76%. In another trend,...