Implementation Timeline

for Security Awareness Training Programs



(1-2 Months)



(Up to 18 Months)


Preparation Phase (1-2 Months)

Getting Started:

  • Platform Preparation: Ready your platform for training delivery by customizing colors, images, and text to your organization’s branding. 
  • Setting Goals and Objectives: Define what you want to achieve and the capacity in which to achieve these goals. 
  • Establish Baseline: Use phishing simulations, quizzes and surveys to determine your starting point and help determine priorities. 


  • Curriculum Development: Craft a training curriculum tailored to your goals, objectives, audience, and capacity. 
  • Communication Strategy: Develop and prepare communications strategies for stakeholder engagement before, during and after your awareness activities. 
  • Executive Approval: Present your program plan for executive approval.

Foundational Requirements

Essentials for Starting Your SAT Program

Time Allocation
User Identification
Management Engagement

Implementation Phase (Up to 18 Months) 

Program Rollout:

  • Training Delivery: Conduct the core training sessions and any reinforcement activities. 
  • New Hire Strategy: Determine training requirements for new hires that start after program launch. 
  • Simulations and Drills: Implement frequent phishing simulations and quizzes to enhance learning. 


  • Regular Updates: Use announcements and reminders to keep the program top of mind. 
  • Adaptive Training Modules: Depending on the quarterly goals, training might include: 
    • Q1: Security Awareness Basics 
    • Q2: Emerging Cyber Threats 
    • Q3: Data Privacy 
    • Q4: Security Principles for Remote Workers 

Example of Campaign Activities for Q1

Week 1 Week 2-5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Introduction video on the importance of a cyber-aware culture.  Main course content. Phishing simulation exercise.  Interactive CyberGame. Evaluation through feedback or quiz survey.

Review and Enhancement Phase (2-4 Weeks)

Program Analysis and Adjustment:

  • Collect Data: Collect data from previous activities such as activity participation, simulation results and audience feedback.
  • Realign Priorities: Adjust program priorities based on new priorities, evolving cyber threats, feedback and campaign outcomes.


  • Goal Definition: Refine goals for the next cycle.
  • Curriculum Update: Update training materials and methods as needed for ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

Key Considerations

Learning Objectives:

Define what each training session should achieve. 

Time Budget:

Allocate time effectively across multiple training modules. 

Training Frequency:

Decide how often training should occur to maintain engagement without causing fatigue. 


Further Resources

Coverage Priorities:

Determine the scope and depth of topics covered within your training sessions. 

Program Management:

Ensure a multi-disciplinary awareness program management team that has the required skills and resources to maintain the program. 


Deploy and manage your security awareness training program with ease.

Discover Terranova Security, your global partner of choice in Security Awareness Training.