

The 5 Most Common Supply Chain Attacks

Say, have you heard anything about supply chains lately? Of course, you have. This phrase has entered the zeitgeist with more gusto than Taylor Swift oozing rizz in a Chiefs jersey. When we talk about the price of things, be they groceries or concert tickets, the conversation inevitably turns to someone remarking on “the supply chain,” and the rest of us nod knowingly. Which...

131 Cyber Security Statistics: 2024 Trends and Data

Cyber security awareness is an everyday job, and it’s easy to fall into a false sense of security once you have a solid plan in place. Every year, statistics are a reminder that hackers and scammers never sleep. New trends and attack types pop up daily, making it difficult to keep track. This list is a rundown of the most important statistics of the year, allowing you to get a...

Protecting Retail Businesses from Cyber Attacks

Retail stores are one of the oldest ways humans exchange goods and services. As they evolve, one of the most significant shifts they have undergone is the dramatic increase in technology integration within their operations. From tools to check stock to staffing management and cash registers, retail stores rely heavily on technology for almost every aspect of their business....

The Chain Reaction: Why Cyber Security in Supply Chain Networks is Critical

Imagine countless organizations working together like a well-oiled machine to create and deliver the products and services we rely on. That’s what supply chain networks are. Like a machine, each connection is vital to make the whole thing work. It’s a delicate dance of supply and demand, where each organization plays its part in keeping the network alive and thriving. And...

How To Prevent Ransomware

To prevent ransomware, companies need to focus on giving their employees actionable security awareness training that educates, empowers, and motivates. For this to happen, employees must understand the facts around ransomware and the profound, long-term impact it can have on the company. Once a ransomware attack is successfully executed, there are very few options for the...

The Security Risks of Improper Employee Offboarding and How to Prevent It

Employees come and go for a variety of reasons. If you’re lucky, they’ll be very cooperative with the offboarding process, but this isn’t always the case. And even if they are, you still have to take it with a grain of salt. Some say that calm and cooperative offboarding is often the most dangerous because people aren’t as diligent when the situation seems lax. If these...

How to Transition from Data Protection to Cyber Culture

The way we think about data protection is changing. Cyber culture is emerging as the new norm, and organizations must adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Data protection has traditionally focused on preventing breaches and protecting sensitive information. However, cyber culture goes beyond this by encompassing all aspects of online life. It includes everything...

How to Protect Your Sensitive Information from Word Document Malware

If you’re a company that uses email scanning technology as the first line of cyber defense, you should know about a recent slate of malicious Word document-based attacks. These attacks are designed to deliver malware and ransomware to targeted systems. Security researchers at Cisco Talos recently identified an attack where Word document files attached to emails were used to...

What You Need to Know About the Kaseya Ransomware Outbreak

In early July, IT solutions provider and remote management solution provider Kaseya announced that it had fallen victim to a supply chain ransomware attack. During the attack, hackers leveraged a vulnerability in Kaseya’s VSA platform to encrypt the data of hundreds of downstream MSPs and their clients. The Kaseya ransomware outbreak is one of the latest high-profile...

What You Need to Know About The Office-365 Phishing Campaign Targeting C-Suite Executives

During the last week of January 2021, cyber security provider TrendMicro shared a blog post highlighting an Office-365 phishing campaign that criminals have targeted executives within manufacturing, tech, real estate, government, and finance since May 2020. As part of the scam, fraudsters sent the victims fake emails with links to a phishing site, where they harvested their...

Learn How Security Awareness Can Help Prevent Insider Threats in Your Organization

Actionable security awareness tips on how employees can prevent insider threats  A misplaced USB drive with confidential data. An opportunistic employee sharing confidential information with a competitor. An employee who accidentally clicks a phishing email. These are all examples of insider threats to your organization. Insider threats unfortunately are not simply the stuff...

Examining The 2020 Healthcare Ransomware Surge

How to Protect Against Ryuk Ransomware As countries worldwide struggle to come to grips with the Covid-19 pandemic, attackers have attempted to capitalize by launching a wave of ransomware attacks on hospitals across the U.S. and Canada. These attacks have taken place in locations ranging from New York, Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri, and Michigan, to Montreal, by using Ryuk...

The 2020 Security Awareness Virtual Summit for Partners: Here’s What You Need to Know

Robust, engaging security awareness training is an essential part of strong cyber security practices, especially given the accelerated digital transformation and shift by many organizations to remote workforces. It can also be a crucial value-added product for resellers, distributors, MSSPs, OEMs partners and technology partners, who are looking to expand their portfolio,...

How to Protect Your Data from the Microsoft Office 365 Phishing Scam

Since December 2019, there has been a coordinated campaign of phishing attempts targeting Office 365 users. Cyber criminals have sent spoofed email, gathering the login credentials and payment details of Microsoft accounts in over 62 countries. According to one report, despite a 42% reduction in phishing attempts in 2019, scams like this Microsoft Office 365 campaign remain a...
Press Release

Terranova Security Partners with Microsoft

Bringing the Best in Security Awareness Content to Microsoft Customers Terranova Security has announced that it has partnered with Microsoft Microsoft is leveraging our phishing, security awareness, social engineering, and cyber security content in Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Capabilities (Office 365 ATP). “Microsoft’s technology and platform enriches us with...

Cyber Security Breaches – Reduce The Human Risk Factor

You can have the most powerful, cutting-edge security technology in the world, but if a user clicks on the link in a malicious email, lets a stranger tailgate into your building or uses 1234 as their login password, they unwittingly open your organization up to a cyber security breach. The fact is that the human risk factor remains your greatest point of vulnerability when it...

Scam by fraudsters – Ransomware

Ransomware is one the many scams that Internet users dread. Once this type of malicious program is installed, it asks the user for “ransom” to unlock the computer, using various pretexts and pretending to be a local police authority. In one case, a user clicked on a malicious link and was bombarded with pornographic pop-ups. The user attempted to restart his computer, when he...