

Do your third-party vendors know how to keep your data safe?

98% of organizations worldwide are connected to breached third-party vendors. The top 2%? They're not “lucky,” they're just equipped with robust third-party risk management (TPRM). Get a comprehensive TPRM that has a cyber security awareness training aspect. Without this, third-party contractors, suppliers, or vendors may leave sensitive information vulnerable to hackers. Join the top 2%. ...

131 Cyber Security Statistics: 2024 Trends and Data

Cyber security awareness is an everyday job, and it’s easy to fall into a false sense of security once you have a solid plan in place. Every year, statistics are a reminder that hackers and scammers never sleep. New trends and attack types pop up daily, making it difficult to keep track. This list is a rundown of the most important statistics of the year, allowing you to get a good overview of...

Protecting Retail Businesses from Cyber Attacks

Retail stores are one of the oldest ways humans exchange goods and services. As they evolve, one of the most significant shifts they have undergone is the dramatic increase in technology integration within their operations. From tools to check stock to staffing management and cash registers, retail stores rely heavily on technology for almost every aspect of their business. Unfortunately, all...

The 5 Most Spoofed Brands in the World

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”     Cartoon by Peter Steiner There’s a reason this cartoon gained popularity in 1993 and has now become an iconic representation of how the internet works. The internet provides a way for people to hide their real identities, which can unfortunately lead to dishonest activities. Nowadays, scammers take advantage of this to deceive people who...

How to Develop Security Awareness Training

According to Valimail’s Spring 2019 Email Fraud Landscape, about 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day, making it one of the most common types of cyber attacks. This number shows how crucial it is to train your employees so they can recognize and report malicious emails. That’s where cyber security awareness training comes in. With the right training program, you can provide your...

Risky Business: When Third-Party Troubles Become Your Own

Businesses don’t stand and operate alone. Organizations partner with an average of 10 third-party vendors to manage their operations. Especially when talking about large corporations—they collaborate with various other organizations or firms helping them manage and advance their operations. These firms include suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, software vendors, distributors, resellers...

How to Enhance Third Party Risk Management with Cyber Security Training

Did you know that on average, every company is connected to ten third-party businesses? There’s the payroll services company that remotely manages employee wages. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud storage provider that backs up customer account data. The security company that provides access control to company buildings and systems. To achieve an efficient supply chain, organizations rely...

The Definitive Guide to Cyber Security in Cryptocurrency

Even after years of business evolution; it’s shocking that safe, quick and trackable payments are still often such a struggle for many companies around the world. Banks are often slow-moving institutions that are late to embrace technological improvements, and currencies have been increasingly fickle in recent years. This situation is what allowed cryptocurrency to go from the pipe dream of an...

Why Your Third-Party Vendors Have Almost Definitely Been Breached and What to Do About It

The news from Human Resources is that employees are happier than ever. Working from home using third-party vendor services makes work easier and more flexible. The news from IT is less enthusiastic. A recent report showed that a whopping 98% of organizations have at least one third-party provider that has suffered a data breach in the last two years. Third-party vendor relationships are nothing...

The Crypto Crash: How it Affects Cyber Security in 2023 and What to Do About It

The crypto market has been on a wild ride over the past few years, with prices soaring to all-time highs in 2017 and then crashing just as dramatically in 2018. And while the market has been relatively stable in recent months, many experts predict another crash in 2023. But what does this mean for cyber security? In this article, we’ll explore the potential effects of the crypto crash on...

Got Malware? The Risk of Buying This Smart ID Card Reader from Amazon

KrebsOnSecurity blog recently reported on a popular, low-cost Common Access Card (CAC) reader available on Amazon that came with drivers infected by malware. A compromised smart ID card reader can bring severe consequences to both government and private organizations. It gives hackers an easy backdoor means of infiltrating networks and systems, which can leave sensitive information vulnerable...

How to Protect Your Sensitive Information from Word Document Malware

If you’re a company that uses email scanning technology as the first line of cyber defense, you should know about a recent slate of malicious Word document-based attacks. These attacks are designed to deliver malware and ransomware to targeted systems. Security researchers at Cisco Talos recently identified an attack where Word document files attached to emails were used to deliver Cobalt Strike...

7 Types of Spoofing Attacks And How To Detect Them

Spoofing refers to an attack where hackers use various ways to disguise their identity so that their victims think they are talking to their coworker, boss, or business. The methods used to achieve this are the typical phishing tropes such as fake websites, links, and social engineering. When spoofing is involved, it’s often more helpful to focus on detecting the facade rather than looking at the...

Top Examples of Malware Attacks

Malware is perhaps the most widely known out of all IT security threats. Since 1986, malware has become a significant concern for enterprise users, with recent examples including the Colonial Pipeline attack, Kaseya ransomware attack, and the SolarWinds Dark Halo breach. However, these attacks are just the tip of the iceberg, with many businesses falling victim to malware and ransomware attacks...

Don’t Be Fooled By A Spoofing Attack

Know how to identify and prevent a spoofing attack Spoofing attacks are the ultimate form of cybercriminal trickery and deception. Cybercriminals disguise themselves and rely on trust to steal confidential information, install ransomware, and commit other cybercrimes. Spoofing comes down to trust. Cybercriminals hide behind trusted people, domains, URLs, and the technical elements that make up a...