With AI-driven cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, staying ahead requires innovative solutions. Role-based security awareness training (SAT) offers a dynamic approach, tailoring training to each role's unique strengths and challenges.

This makes the training more engaging and relevant, ensuring your organization stays resilient and protected against modern cyber threats. 

This article will provide a step-by-step guide for implementing role-based SAT effectively. 

In an increasingly digital world, the safety of sensitive information is paramount. Unfortunately, nonprofits have become a goldmine for cyber criminals seeking to exploit their often limited security measures.

These organizations, while operating with smaller teams and budgets, are responsible for substantial funds and sensitive data, drawing the attention of online predators looking for an easy score.

Let’s be honest: cyber security employee training has a reputation for being dull. Most employees dread it. They expect dry training talks, lackluster presentations, and examples they can’t relate to.

In any training, people must come first. You should create a model that focuses on the people you’re trying to reach: your own employees.  A people-centric approach lets you focus your cyber security training on what matters most—motivating employees to care about cyber security.